Regina Kyle knew she was destined to be an author when she won a writing contest at age ten with a touching tale about a squirrel and a nut pie. By day, she writes dry legal briefs, representing the state in criminal appeals. At night, she writes steamy romance with heart and humor.
A lover of all things theatrical, Regina lives on the Connecticut coast with her husband, teenaged daughter and two melodramatic cats. When she’s not writing, she’s most likely singing, reading, cooking or watching bad reality television. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America and treasurer of her local RWA chapter.
Regina was kind enough to guest post for me today! Thank you Regina. :D
Thanks so much for having me here at Crazy Four
Books! Triple Threat is my first
book, and this is my first blog tour. When you tell people you’re a writer –
especially a romance writer – you get a ton of questions. One most common
questions I’ve been asked is how I came up with the characters of Holly and
Nick. For me, that was one of the most fun parts of writing Triple Threat. I’m a visual person, so I wanted to start with a
clear image in my head of my hero and heroine. I sat down and started perusing
pictures on the internet (a dangerous thing). The heroine was easy. In my head,
to be honest, she’s kind of like me, but younger. Brown hair, green eyes,
spunky. Very girl next door, pretty without being drop dead gorgeous. When I
saw this picture of Maggie Gyllenhaal I knew I’d found my Holly. It perfectly
captures Holly’s essence: sweet but at the same time feisty, brave, a real
fighter who’s survived domestic violence but doesn’t see herself as a victim.

Book Blurb:
The Theater of Temptation presents Sabotage…and
The Playwright: It’s emerging playwright Holly
Nelson’s big break. Broadway. Having survived her traumatic marriage and
divorce, Holly is now aiming for success, not love. And any naughty dreams
about Nick Damone—the gorgeously dishy star who was her crush back in high
school—must remain a fantasy.
The Star: For Nick, Broadway is a chance to go from
big-screen-eye-candy to serious actor, and to explore the lust blazing between
him and Holly. But life-threatening accidents will force a chain of events that
could bring down the curtain on the whole production…or give Nick and Holly a
chance to finish the sexy something that started fifteen years ago!
So what do you think?” Holly twirled around center
stage, taking in the crown moldings, the gold filigree, the rich red of the
heavy velvet house curtain. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
She’d fallen in love with the Rep in all its majesty
when she was twelve and her parents brought the family to a production of Oklahoma! Noelle had been all about the
big ballet sequence in the second act. Ivy had wanted to know why she couldn’t
take pictures in the theater. Gabe had dissected the plot, pointing out every
flaw. But Holly had sat in her plush cushioned seat, open-mouthed and
stock-still, transfixed by it all—the music, the lights, the costumes, the
sets—from the first downbeat to the last curtain call.
Even the audience members had fascinated her, in
their varied and eclectic versions of theater dress-up. Now the Rep audience
would see her words performed on that stage. Okay, so her Broadway dream had
gone up in smoke. In some ways, being at the Rep was a lot more meaningful.
Why had it taken her so long to get back to the
stage? She’d always felt at home there. Too bad she couldn’t leap right from
that starstruck kid lip-synching with Ado Annie to this moment. No string of
failed jobs. No Clark. No miscarriage.
“Yeah.” Nick’s voice brought her back to the
present. “Beautiful.”
She stopped twirling to face him, hands on her hips.
“You’re not even looking.”
“Oh, I’m looking, all right.” He leaned against the
stage-left proscenium arch, his eyes raking her up and down.
“At the theater, hot stuff.” She stuck her tongue
out at him, laughing. “I can’t believe they used to keep highway equipment in
“They did?”
“This place started life as a vaudeville house. When
that died out, the Department of Transportation used it for storage. The
condition of the building got so bad the state wanted to tear it down until a
group of preservationists bought it for a dollar. It took them four years to
restore, but I think the result was worth it.” She did another quick turn.
“Don’t you?”
“Don’t I what?”
“Have you heard a word I’ve said?”
“Not really. I was too distracted by the whole
Marilyn Monroe thing going on with your skirt.” He made a circle with his
finger. “Spin around again.”
“You have a one-track mind.”
“Name one guy who doesn’t.”
“Mr. Spock.”
“He’s a fictional character. And even he’d be
tempted by you in that outfit.” He gave her a scorching look that made her
knees wobble. “Did you know I can see your nipples in that shirt?”
She looked down and pulled at her blouse. “Cannot.”
“Can too. Are you sure you’re wearing a bra?”
She couldn’t help but laugh at his persistence. The
sheer force of his will—and his charm—was overwhelming. “You’re hopeless.”
“More like hopeful.” He crossed the stage and came
up behind her. His hands settled on her waist, his mouth at her ear. “How much
time do we have before lunch?”
“I don’t know.” She tilted her head back so he could
kiss her neck. “Another half an hour or so. Ethan said he’d be done around two.
“Ever make out onstage?” He spun her in his arms so
they were facing each other and lifted her off her feet. The start of his
erection pressed against her belly.
“No,” she said on a breathless laugh, her hands
coming up to grip his shoulders. “But I’m sure you have.”
“Only when it was scripted.” He cupped her bottom,
holding her tight. “This would be my first attempt at improvisation.”
This sounds like a romance with a side of laughs. I have it at the top of my TBR list.
What do you think?
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i think i could really love these characters^^ and the story is catching my interest so on the list as well
ReplyDeleteThis does sound good. They both sound great and you know how we love character driven stories.