Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Take Two ~ Review of nancy Corrigan's Mist Unveiled

Sorry if this is a double but it doesn't want to show up in the main post soooooo,

here is my review for Nancy Corrigan's Mist Unveiled.

 My Thoughts:

Intoxicating! That is the word I would use to describe this book. I couldn't get enough of this story and I can't wait to read about the other Wardens.

The heroine was a tad geeky, independent, and fiesty.

The hero, was yummy, alphatastic, possessive, protective, handsome, sexy.....

Mist Unveiled was sexy, suspenseful, adrenaline inducing, and full of steam! 

I was hooked from the get go with the plot keeping me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened and if she figured out a cure for the "virus" or not.

If you like paranormal stories, you'll really like this change of pace. It is unique and that is a rare find these days.

I thought it was splendid! I received an ecopy in exchange for my honest opinion. This is Nancy Corrigan at her finest!

Don't forget to enter the Comment Incentive Giveaway. It is a great chance to win a book you'd like to have! The link can be found at the top of the page.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the add, VampedChik! I'm glad you could stop by. :-)

  2. i want this!!! the blurb had me interested so i was waiting your review to be sure but now i want this!!!! ( but it's not in print ç_ç)

    1. Thank you, Miki! Not sure when it'll go to print. Fingers-crossed, it won't be too long.

  3. Thank you, thank you!! I had so much fun with Cat's character, and then pairing her with Rune made me smile. I can't wait until I pick the next heroine's...uhm, traits ;-)
    All the best,

    1. LOL! You mean you haven't started it yet? What are you waiting for?

    2. LOL, I'm working on a non-series related shifter story at the moment. It wouldn't let me go, so I gave in and started it. Mist Unveiled was the same way. I was tied to my computer for two weeks while I wrote it. The book after Mist Unveiled is next on the schedule, though ;-)

    3. ^^ ohhhhh shifters you are all forgiven in my opinion ;)
