Book Description:
After the meteorite wiped out
civilization and most of the population, it took thirty years to scrabble
together rudiments of society again. Sex is the main currency, for those who
haven’t mutated special abilities.Bethany, a Tech, is able to channel electricity through her body and charge up electronics. When she saves a Shifter girl about to be sold at auction, the girl’s brother, Lucas, offers to repay the debt with his body. While Bethany would love to have Lucas at her beck and call, she’d rather have sex with someone who wanted her as a partner instead of an obligation. But unable to resist the sexy Shifter, she agrees to his terms.
When an opportunity presents itself to travel cross the ravaged countryside to loot the remains of California, Bethany believes this is the best chance for her to find her own brother, a rogue Shifter on the run for a crime he didn’t commit. Lucas wants to go, too, to free his Shifter pack.
The caravan members are expected to provide sexual services to the owners in exchange for passage out and back. As the lines between pleasure and payment become blurred, Bethany struggles to remain human while the pull of the energy feels good enough to leave her meat sack body behind. Can Lucas learn to ground her against the shifting currents?
Lissa Trevor
Genre: Erotic Paranormal
Publisher: LooseID
eISBN - 9781623001667
Number of pages: 191
Word Count: 60,000
Cover Artist: April Martinez
Purchase Links: Loose ID * Amazon * BN * iTunes * Kobo

Bethany Macgregor searched the
airwaves until she found a funeral dirge that was used hundreds of years before
the meteorite hit. She let the heavy organ music wash over her through her tiny
headphones. Keith was getting married today. Leaning against the wooden post,
she felt the crisp air like a sympathetic caress on her face and neck. She
focused on the livestock being sold in the pen across from her and let the
smell of nature take her mind off her loneliness.“Shouldn’t you be over at the looters’ tents?” Maya, her tribe’s chief, walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
Bethany tried not to flinch, and Maya removed her hand. Bethany sighed, popped out an earbud for politeness’ sake. “I did a quick walk by. There’s nothing that can’t wait until the last day of conclave when the prices drop because the dealer doesn’t want to pack it up for the long schlep back home.” And because the silence was starting to get awkward, Bethany added, “Shouldn’t you be attending some back-slapping meeting in the main cabin?” Or having a “massage” in your cabin with someone who wanted a favor?
Maya snorted. “Backstabbing, you mean. No, we’re on our morning break. And I decided to breathe in the fresh smell of horse manure to clear my lungs.”
Bethany managed a wry smile. Maya was fifty years old and the oldest one in their tribe on the bluff. She had been twenty-one when the meteorite hit the world and knocked everyone back to the Jurassic period. Well, probably better than the Jurassic period. Then, all the dinosaurs had died whereas this time a few tough humans and animals survived. And of course the cockroaches, but Bethany hadn’t seen one of those since she left the part of Florida that was still above water to go up north where the Tech was strongest. Maya had gathered together the Bluff tribe with a shrewd sense of purpose and snapped Bethany up as soon as she entered the territory.
“Keith’s doing a good thing. We need another potter since we lost Angie to the Three Rivers tribe last year,” Maya said.
Bethany nodded. It was important to have the right mixture of artisans, farmers, and tradesmen to survive in today’s world.
“Lem has volunteered to share your bed, if you’re interested.”
Bethany’s stomach curled. Lem had already made that offer, and it was apparent he was only doing what Maya told him to do. Trying to keep the anger out of her voice, Bethany said, “I’m not going to switch tribes over Keith’s marriage. The Bluffs are my home. You can tell Lem he’s off the hook.”
“It’s not like that,” Maya said but cut off when Bethany turned away and put the earbud back in.
The wind picked up a bit, and stray bits of energy lit up the portable media player in her hand. Pain jabbed into her temple, like a screwdriver had been jammed into it. Bethany exhaled through the agony that turned her vision red, and pressed the center button on the device. Maya watched fascinated, as always, when the menu came up, and Bethany scrolled down to Alanis Morrisette’s “You Oughta Know.”
“Just don’t go flaunting that Tech. You don’t have to be willing if another tribe gets it in their mind to snatch you from us.”
Bethany just turned the music up loud to match the pounding in her head that channeling the energy to run the device gave her. Maya went away after one last longing look at the portable media player. Letting the angry song fill her, Bethany rolled her neck to get the kinks out of it and sat down with her eyes closed, helping her body deal with the intensity of pulling in the energy. If she had done it gradually, the pain wouldn’t have been that wretched, but she didn’t want easy or slow. The pain was cleansing, wiping away a little of the self-pity she was feeling. When the song was over, Bethany let the energy go with a sigh and a silent thanks. Getting up, she felt eyes on her, and she looked around. The tribes were socializing, chattering happily about the things they were going to trade.
She lovingly put the portable media player back into her pocket. She had traded a looter her ham radio setup for it. Bethany didn’t like hearing all the voices crying out in the darkness. Although on cold, lonely nights it was a comfort to realize the world was still going on and her tribe wasn’t the last people on Earth. Most of California and Florida had sunk into the oceans. Mount St. Helens and all of the Alaskan volcanoes had erupted, adding to the chaos. In a second after the meteor hit in Russia, worldwide communications dropped. If Europe was even still there, no one on this side of the Atlantic knew. There hadn’t been any contact outside the United States for the past thirty years. There were rumors, but nothing verified. And in the interim, strange and different creatures evolved. Bethany was one of them.
“You look lovely.”
Bethany glanced up at Keith’s voice, but he wasn’t talking to her. She watched her ex-lover, tall and handsome in a rough-and-ready sort of way, lean down and kiss his almost-bride on the cheek. They were strolling around the market, hand in hand, not a care in the world.
Darting into a tent, Bethany clenched her teeth as sharp jealousy drilled into her. It didn’t have the purity of the energy pull. It was aching like a bad tooth. She willed herself not to cry. It should have just been a marriage of convenience. A way to bring the River tribe and the Bluff tribe together. Keith had told her so. In bed. Several times. It didn’t look like it was convenient. In fact, it looked a lot like love. Bethany listened to the vendor’s spiel since he was kind enough not to notice her bright eyes or quivering lips. She was so grateful for the time it gave her to pull it together that she wound up trading a set of charged batteries for one of his canteens filled with a sweet honey mead before leaving his tent.
Blinking the tears away, she pretended they were from looking up at the sun that was muted from the ash still in the atmosphere. A flutter of wings caught her eye. A brown eagle perched on the tree next to her. It looked at her like she was a mouse. Intelligent yellow eyes regarded her intently. It was a magnificent bird, beautiful feathers and a regal look. Big too, she saw as it spread its wings and folded them back to preen. Bethany bowed her head, feeling ridiculous at her awe of the noble bird who continued to survive in such a desolate world. It would have been born amid the chaos, like she had been.
Today wasn’t the first time she had seen it. Or at least one that looked just like it. Up on the bluffs, she’d sensed eyes on her and looked around only to see an eagle observing silently. She had gotten used to it, tried to tempt it closer with bits of meat, but it disdained her attempts at domestication. Still, when she walked in the woods, the bird wasn’t ever far. Not for the first time, Bethany wondered if it was a Shifter. She had given it plenty of time to shift in front of her, often dillydallying in the brush far from camp, hoping the bird would transform.
The truth was she had been lonely even when she and Keith were together. The tribe needed her, wanted the Tech she could provide. But they never fully accepted her because she wasn’t normal. Dinners were a stilted affair, and social events strained, so Bethany learned just to avoid them. Walking alone in the woods, she pretended the animals in the woods were companions, like she had done when she was a little girl. It was a game her brother, Daniel, had taught her, before he went feral and killed all those people.
“I’ve got to stop this, or I’ll be a sniveling wreck,” she told the bird, but the eagle wasn’t looking at her. She followed its inscrutable golden eyes to the next animal up for auction.
Lissa Trevor has her stilettos firmly entrenched in the romance community. Spank Me Mr. Darcy is her debut novel from Riverdale Avenue Books. She is a frequent reader at Manhattan's Between The Covers events, where her novellas Wild Oats and Timelash from Coliloquy's Entwined volumes 1 & 2 have been very popular. Lissa also created an erotic story template for Coliloquy's ValEntwined promotion that allowed readers to download a personalized ebook starring themselves and their significant other.
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My Thoughts:
Shifting Currents was an original take on shifters and then some. It takes place in a desolate and savage Earth. There were not many survivors and the ones that did were left changed.
Our heroine, Bethany, is what is known as a tech. She can control and operate devices by harnessing electricity. Because there is no electric she is very much needed.
I felt for her. She was needed but the others treated her like a freak. It was not her fault that she became a tech. Her lover became engaged to another woman who is a potter. To add insult to injury, she finds out that he was only with her because their chief told him to be.
During the wedding celebration, there is an auction. A man is attempting to auction off a dog when an eagle tries to attack him and free the dog. Because Bethany's brother is a shifter, she assumes that these two are as well. She wins the bid for the dog by offering her tech services.
She finds out that the eagle is a man named Lucas and the dog is actually his sister.
Lucas offers to pay her back for rescuing his sister by servicing her body. You see, sex is the primary currency in their world.
In addition to the attraction between Lucas and Bethany, they have something else in common. Lucas is searching for his missing pack and Bethany is looking for her brother.
I liked this book over all but I did not care for some of the sex scenes or propositions that took place. I am a monogamous girl and I prefer my sex and the sex that I read about, straight up with one girl and one guy. If I had known that there was lesbian action in this book, I would have skipped it.
There was lots, and lots, and lots of sex. It was very explicit and hot.
There was some mystery, danger, sex, some romance, and plenty of action in Shifting Currents.
The concept of shifting energy was well thought out, described and delivered. I was engrossed with those parts. My only hesitation in recommending this is the sex. Some of you (Amber) will probably really like this. Others (Miki) will want to stay far away from it. If you like shifters and tend to embrace your sexuality, than I suggest that you try this one. ;-) If you don't than skip it.
I received an ecopy in exchange for my honest opinion. I liked the plot but I would have liked the book as a whole, much better had there not been f/f action in it.
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You know us so well it get frightening^^.
ReplyDeleteno really i loved the concept and the idea on teh shifter. i mean Bethany power is a new one and interesting. i would have been really happy to see what else the author came up with BUT you are right i prefer monogamous couple and no lesbian for me either so i fear at the end the story comes just as a excuse for the sex scenes and it's not what i want to read ( which is sad because like i said the idea was good)
Ha! LOL Yea ok so I don't mind the sex but I'm not into the f/f action either. It sounds really interesting so I'll add it to my list. But I'm with you on the whole monogamy thing. But its something new for shifters so I'm tempted. :)