Just laying eyes on one is a death sentence. So when Sari, who spent most of her life on the streets, ends up entangled in a steamy relationship with the two most forbidden men on the planet she knows it can’t end well.
After a brutal attack, Sari’s taken to the Sacred City, exposing her to the secret lives of the Rayians who rule in the long lost queen’s absence. It’s in this darkly sexual world where she first meets the legendary consorts.
Too handsome and talented for their own good, Calder and Taryen have learned to trust only each other in order to survive. Bred to be feared warriors and exclusive companions to a queen, instead they’re slaves to other Rayian’s desires for them.
Their brutal lives make the two consorts hesitant to care for Sari when she’s unexpectedly dumped in their laps, but they soon discover she’s different from the cruel women they’re used to serving. Drawn to Sari on a soul deep level, Calder and Taryen can’t seem to stop themselves from going back for one more taste of the beautiful outsider… even when it puts the fate of the entire world in jeopardy.
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Sari came awake to the slow throb of an agonizing headache. Her first instinct was to groan, but life made her cautious. She lay still instead, forcing her breathing to remain steady as she silently dealt with the pain and tried to absorb her surroundings without the benefit of sight.
The air was cleaner than she was used to, and sweetness lingered with every breath, smelling of burning herbs of some sort. The scent was pleasant. As was the feel of silk sheets against her bare skin.
It was then Sari realized she was naked. She couldn’t help stiffening, especially when a low male voice cut through the silence. “What are we to do with her?”
“We gave her some healing waters while we waited for you, but she needs more,” Macro said evenly. “Care for her.”
“Are we a medical unit? I missed that on our list of duties.”
“Cal, stop. We care for each other often enough. We can care for her too,” said another male. This one’s voice was more soothing in pitch than the first. Sari was still frozen in fear, even when she recognized Macro’s voice, but this new male was noticeably concerned. Sari felt some of the tension draining from her shoulders as he questioned, “Who would do this to a female?”
“You think as a consort.” Macro sounded tense. “Life has been cruel to her. Not all males appreciate the divinity of females. She’s been abused.”
“I find that hard to believe. But certainly abused. That’s why I brought her to you. I thought your presence would be soothing to her.”
“She’s beautiful,” the concerned man said with a catch in his tone. “How could any male abuse her? She’s clearly Rayian. Harming any female is unimaginable, but a Rayian? With the queen still missing, what fool would offer anything but aid to a female with her appearance?”
“Have the ones who harmed her been put to death?”
“Not yet. They are in custody and awaiting a ruling. Just marring a sister’s skin is a death crime, but this is a far more serious offense than simply striking a female. It requires deliberation by the judgment panel.”
“Where’s her family?”
“She has none,” Macro said sadly. “She’s alone in the world.”
There was a deadly silence in the room before the more cynical of the two males asked, “Are you certain she’s not—”
“The queen is still missing,” Macro cut him off abruptly. “She is simply a Rayian female who was left alone to a world that abused her because of her beauty and rarity.”
“How many Rayian females are there? Even one going unclaimed and unnoticed is unimaginable.”
“I’m not arguing with you anymore, Calder,” Macro said in annoyance. “Do you want to care for her or not? I can send her away and leave you to other distractions. Your happiness is, as always, my primary concern.”
“I want to care for her,” the other man said before his friend Calder could answer. “It’s not fair for her to suffer for misdeeds of others, Cal. I know you know that.”
“She’s Rayian, Taryen. Her needs will be the same as the rest of them.” Calder sounded determined and protective. “Do you need to attract the attention of another Rayian female when you already have so many to contend with? Better to leave her to me and stay out of her sights.”
“No, we will care for her together.” Taryen’s voice grew closer to where Sari lay feigning sleep. “She’s been injured. That’s a crime against nature and our people. We should right the wrong.”
“She will be angry and inclined to punish if others of our sex have abused her.”
“That’s all right,” Taryen whispered a breath away from Sari. “I will bear their punishment for them if that’s what she needs to heal. It won’t be the first time I’ve felt pain at the hands of a sister.”
“You know how I feel about that, Taryen,” Macro snapped. “You were only supposed to endure a cycle in their hands to prepare you for the queen, and that’s it. Our sisters should not be hurting you in the name of pleasure training.”
“There’s nothing to be done. Why do you continue to try?” his friend Calder asked with dark cynicism. “You are powerful, Macro, but even you cannot force justice on Rayian females. They answer to nothing but their own conscience.”
“The balance has been disrupted. They should be answering to the queen. The great mother would never allow others to hurt you, Calder—either of you.”
“You don’t know that. She could be the same as her sisters. She could be worse for all we know.”
Macro gasped. “That’s blasphemy.”
“I apologize.” Calder’s voice was suddenly as compliant as Taryen’s. “Forgive me for my misspoken words of my queen. Serving her is a sacred privilege. I am honored to do whatever need be for the great mother and our people.”
“I believe you.” Macro huffed. “You suffer the punishment of training for her without complaint and have done so far longer than nature ever intended.”
“I do,” Calder said without hesitation. “I will gladly serve her sisters until my queen is found. Leave this newest sister to us. She will be well cared for.”
“I thought she might be.” Macro’s voice was still low and pained. “I ask once again for your permission to speak out against your mistreatment. I realize I cannot bring those who hurt you to justice, but I am not bound to blind obedience of them in the queen’s absence either. Your soul is bound to the great mother. That makes your body as sacred as hers. I have no problem reminding them you two are to be cherished, not abused.”
“There is no abuse.” Calder sounded strong and confident, but Sari could clearly hear the lie in his voice despite his obvious attempt to hide it. “Serving my queen’s sisters is never anything but divine pleasure for me.”
“Taryen, I implore you to let me do my job and protect you for our queen. How can I face her when she is found if I have failed to protect her most treasured companions?”
“You do your job just fine, Macro.” Taryen’s voice rang with honesty as clearly as his friend’s had rung with deception. “We’re more than strong enough to endure for our people while we wait. Your guilt is unnecessary.”
“I thank the gods that my birth did not deem me a consort. You both bear more than I can imagine. She’s my blood. We all feel her loss, but life has been cruelest to you by taking our queen from you. I make an offering for her return every day just to see you both under her protection.”
Author Bio:
Kele Moon is fast becoming one of the hottest names in erotic romance. Known for her heart pounding sex scenes and character driven stories that leave the readers begging for more, she is often a favorite pick for bloggers and media outlets alike as a go to author for anyone looking for emotionally charged romances with an edge. A 2010 Bookie Award Nominee and 2011 RT Reviewer's Choice nominee, Kele's an Amazon Bestseller in her genres and is celebrated for pushing the envelope in the best ways possible. She adores the art of falling in love and enjoys finding ways to make the impossible work in her story telling. The only rule she believes in is that, in love, there are no rules and true love knows no bounds.
So obsessed is she with the beauty of romance and the novelty of creating it, she's lost in her own wonder world most of the time. Thankfully she married her own dark, handsome, brooding hero who has infinite patience for her airy ways. The two of them now reside in Florida with their three beautiful children, who make their lives both fun and challenging in equal parts. . . They wouldn't have it any other way.
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My Thoughts:
Adults Only!!! This book was Hot, Hot, Hot! I would like to warn everyone that there is a good bit of male on male action in The Queen's Consorts. If this would offend you, than I strongly suggest skipping this book!
Sari doesn't know much about her past. She has been alone for many years since her grandma died. She meets a little girl named Aria and ends up getting attacked in an effort to spare her. The man that comes to help her takes her to the castle to be tended by the Queen's Consorts.
The consorts agree to take care of her and are strangely drawn to her.
The plot has a missing queen, action, danger, super steamy scenes, romance, treachery, betrayal, secrets, and a slew of evil sisters.
I recommend this book to those who like scorching scenes some of which include male on male action.
I received an ecopy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I really enjoyed it and found it to be extremely erotic. ;-)

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