Ann Gimpel is a mountaineer at
heart. Recently retired from a long career as a psychologist, she remembers
many hours at her desk where her body may have been stuck inside four walls,
but her soul was planning yet one more trip to the backcountry. Around the turn
of the last century (that would be 2000, not 1900!), she managed to finagle
moving to the Eastern Sierra, a mecca for those in love with the mountains. It
was during long backcountry treks that Ann’s writing evolved. Unlike some who
see the backcountry as an excuse to drag friends and relatives along, Ann
prefers solitude. Stories always ran around in her head on those journeys,
sometimes as a hedge against abject terror when challenging conditions made her
fear for her life, sometimes for company. Eventually, she returned from a trip
and sat down at the computer. Three months later, a five hundred page novel emerged.
Oh, it wasn’t very good, but it was a beginning. And, she learned a lot between
writing that novel and its sequel.
Around that time, a friend of
hers suggested she try her hand at short stories. It didn’t take long before
that first story found its way into print and they’ve been accepted pretty
regularly since then. One of Ann’s passions has always been ecology, so her
tales often have a green twist.
In addition to writing, Ann
enjoys wilderness photography. She lugs pounds of camera equipment in her
backpack to distant locales every year. A standing joke is that over ten
percent of her pack weight is camera gear which means someone else has to carry
the food! That someone is her husband. They’ve shared a life together for a
very long time. Children, grandchildren and three wolf hybrids round out their
Thanks so much for inviting me to your blog, Brenda. One of
the best parts of these virtual tours is all the wonderful, new-to-me, blogs I
discover along the way. I took a peek at your blog and discovered we like
reading the same types of books. I adore urban fantasy and paranormal romance.
It’s probably why I chose those genres to write in.
People frequently ask me how I’ve blended my career as a
psychotherapist with writing. It’s fairly straightforward, actually. I’ve always
enjoyed drilling deep into what makes us tick as human beings. We all have
subterranean needs, wants, and secret places that drive our behavior in curious
ways. We all have things that scare us and skeletons rattling in the back of
our closets.
I prefer complex characters who are faced with problems that
don’t have easy solutions. I want them to have to step beyond their comfort
zone because when you get right down to it, that’s how we grow. Kate Daniels is
one of my favorite fictional heroines. Watching her meet challenges and grow
through the “Magic” series by Illona Andrews was a treat. Ditto for Eve Dallas
in J.D. Robb’s “Death” books. These are two heroines who come into life
challenges with all their guns blazing. They’re strong and competent, but also
good partners for their men. Some series books just rehash the same plot in
each book, but these series carry the story forward, and I’ve found something
new in each book that adds to my understanding of the characters and their
On a personal level, writing is a tough business. It’s not
for the faint of heart. Through the process of releasing twenty-five books with
publishers, I discovered the hardest part was marketing. As an experiment, I
released some books I’d gotten my rights back to myself. So far, things are
going well, so I may well have both feet in the Indie camp at this point. Who
knows? Nothing is certain in the publishing business except change.
I have some questions for your readers.
What types of characters do you fall in love with?
What makes you remember a book long after you’ve
finished the last page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Book Description:
Aislinn Lenear lost her
anthropologist father high in the Bolivian Andes. Her mother, crazy with grief
that muted her magic, was marched into a radioactive vortex by dark creatures
and killed. Three years later, stripped of every illusion that ever comforted
her, twenty-two year old Aislinn is one resilient, kickass woman with a take no
prisoners attitude. In a world turned upside down, where virtually nothing
familiar is left, she’s conscripted to fight the dark gods responsible for her
father’s death. Battling evil on her own terms, Aislinn walls herself off from
anything that might make her feel again in this compelling dystopian urban fantasy.
Fionn MacCumhaill, Celtic god of
wisdom, protection, and divination has been laying low since the dark gods
stormed Earth. He and his fellow Celts decided to wait them out. After all,
three years is nothing compared to their long lives. On a clear winter day,
Aislinn walks into his life and suddenly all bets are off. Awed by her courage,
he stakes his claim to her and to an Earth he's willing to fight for.
Aislinn’s not so easily
convinced. Fionn’s one gorgeous man, but she has a world to save. Emotional
entanglements will only get in her way. Letting a wolf into her life was hard.
Letting love in may well prove impossible.
Reclaimed Book
Ann Gimpel
Dream Shadow Press
107K words
Release Date: 3/1/15
Genre: Dystopian Urban Fantasy
kickass, and determined, Aislinn's walled herself off from anything that might
make her feel again. Until a wolf picks her for a bondmate, and a Celtic god
rises out of legend to claim her for his own.
Aislinn tried to
stop it, but the vision that had dogged her for over a year played in her head.
She squeezed her eyes shut tight. Mental images crowded behind her closed lids,
as vivid as if they’d happened yesterday. She raked her hands through her hair
and pulled hard, but the movie chronicling the beginning of her own personal
hell didn’t even slow down. She whimpered as the humid darkness of a South
American night closed about her…
Her mother
screamed in Gaelic, “Deifir, Deifir,” and then shoved Aislinn again. She tried
to hurry like her mother wanted, but it was all too much to take in. Stumbling
down the steep Bolivian mountainside in the dark, she ignored tears and snot
streaking her face. Her legs shook. Nausea clenched her gut. Her mother was crying
too, in between cursing the gods and herself. Aislinn knew enough Gaelic to
understand her mother had tried to talk her father out of going to the ancient
Inca prayer site, but Jacob hadn’t listened.
A vision of her
father’s twisted body lying dead a thousand feet above them tore at Aislinn.
Just a few hours ago, her life had been normal. Now her mother had turned into
a grief-crazed harridan. Her beloved father, a gentle giant of a man, was dead.
Killed by those horrors that had crawled out of the ground. Perfect,
golden-skinned men with long, silky hair and luminous eyes, apparently summoned
through the ancient rite linked to the shrine. Thinking about it was like
trying to shove her hand into a flame, her pain too unbearable to examine
Aislinn was
afraid to turn around. Tara had already slapped her once. Another spate of
Gaelic galvanized her tired legs into motion. Her mother was clearly terrified
the monsters would come after them, but Aislinn didn’t think they’d bother. At
least a hundred adoring half-naked worshipers remained at the shrine high on
the mountain. Once Tara had herded her into the shadows, her last glimpse of
the crowd revealed one of the lethal exotic creatures turning a woman so he
could penetrate her. Even in Aislinn’s near-paralyzed state, the sexual heat
was so compelling, it took all her self-discipline not to race to his side and
insist he take her instead. After all, she was younger, prettier. It didn’t
matter at all that he’d just killed her father.
…Aislinn shook her
head so hard, it felt like her brains rattled from side to side in her skull.
Despite the time that had passed since her father’s murder, she still fell into
these damned trance states, where the horror happened all over again. Tears
leaked from her eyes. She slammed a fist down on a corner of her desk, glorying
in the diversion pain created. Crying was pointless. It wouldn’t change
anything. Self-pity was an indulgence she couldn’t afford.
Pull it
together. The weak die.
Even though she
wasn’t sure why life felt so precious—after all, she’d lost nearly
everything—Aislinn wanted to live. Would do anything to hang onto the vital
thread that maintained her on Earth.
A bitter laugh
bubbled up. What a transition: from Aislinn Lenear, college student, to Aislinn
Lenear, fledgling magic wielder. A second race of alien beings, Lemurians, had
stormed Earth on the heels of that hideous night in Bolivia, selecting certain
humans because they had magical ability and sending everyone else to their
It was a process.
It took time to kill people, but huge sections of Salt Lake City sat empty.
Skyscraper towers downtown and rows of vacant buildings mocked a life that was
no more. In her travels to nearby places before the gasoline ran out, Aislinn
had found them about the same as Salt Lake.
Jacob’s death
had been a harbinger of impending chaos—the barest beginning. The world she’d
known had imploded shockingly fast. It killed Aislinn to admit it—she kept
hoping for a miracle to intercede—but her mother was certifiable. Tara may as
well have died right along with her husband. She hadn’t left the house once
since they’d returned a year before. Her long, red hair was filthy and matted.
She barely ate. When she wasn’t curled into a fetal position, she drew odd runes
on the kitchen floor and muttered in Gaelic about Celtic gods and dragons. It
was only a matter of time before the Lemurians culled her. Tara had magic, but
she was worthless in her current state.
The sound of the
kitchen door rattling against its stops startled Aislinn. On her feet in a
flash, she took the stairs two at a time and burst into the kitchen. A Lemurian
had one of its preternaturally long-fingered hands curved around Tara’s
emaciated arm. He crooned to her in his language—an incomprehensible mix of
clicks and clacks. Tara’s wild, golden eyes glazed over. She stopped trying to
pull away and got to her feet, leaning against the seven-foot tall creature
with long, shiny blond hair, as if she couldn’t stand on her own.
“No!” Aislinn
hurled herself at the Lemurian. “Leave her alone.”
“Stop!” His odd
alien gaze met hers. “It is time,” the Lemurian said in flawless English, “for
both you and her. You must join the fighting and learn about your magic. Your
mother is of no use to anyone.”
“But she has magic.”
Aislinn hated the pleading in her voice. Hated it.
Be strong. I
can’t show him how scared I am.
flickered behind the Lemurian’s expression. It might have been disgust—or pity.
He turned away and led Tara Lenear out of the house.
Aislinn growled
low in her throat and launched herself at the Lemurian’s back. Gathering her
clumsy magic into a primitive arc, she focused it on her enemy. Her tongue
stuttered over an incantation. Before she could finish it, something smacked
her in the chest so hard she flew through the air, hit the kitchen wall, and
then slumped to the floor. Wind knocked out of her, spots dancing before her
eyes, she struggled to her feet. By the time she stumbled to the kitchen door,
both the Lemurian and her mother had vanished.
Earth’s Blood
Earth Reclaimed Book 2
Dream Shadow Press
105K words
Release Date: 3/1/15
Genre: Dystopian Urban Fantasy
to their courage in a crumbling world, Aislinn and Fionn vow to save Earth, no
matter what it takes.
Book Description:
In a post-apocalyptic world where
most people have been slaughtered, the Celtic gods and a few humans with magic
are all that stand between survival and Earth falling into chaos. The
combination of dark sorcery leveraged by the enemy is daunting. Destruction is
all but certain if the small enclaves of humans who are left can’t get past
their distrust of the Celts.
Captured by the enemy, Aislinn
Lenear wonders if she’ll ever see her bond wolf or Fionn, a Celtic god, again.
She’s had nothing but her wits to rely on for years. They haven’t failed her
yet, but escape from her current predicament seems remote.
An enticing blend of dystopian
urban fantasy and romance, this second volume of the Earth Reclaimed Series
provides fertile ground for Aislinn and Fionn’s relationship to deepen. Headstrong
and independent, the pair run up against each other’s demands time and time
again. Fireworks spark. In the end, they learn to savor every moment in a
bittersweet world where each day may well be the last.
Available at Amazon
Earth’s Hope
Reclaimed Book
Ann Gimpel
Dream Shadow Press
95K words
Release Date: 3/6/15
Genre: Dystopian Urban Fantasy
so old, deep, and chilling it hurts to think about it will overrun Earth if
nothing changes. Targeted, furious, and fighting back, Aislinn runs wide open,
gathering allies and putting her life on the line.
Book Description:
Aislinn Lenear has traveled a
long road since the dark gods invaded Earth better than three years ago. After
seeing her father slaughtered in front of her, and her mother sink into
madness, Aislinn built strong walls around her heart. First her bond wolf, and
then Fionn MacCumhaill, changed all that, but she and Fionn are far from home
Four of the six dark gods are
still sowing destruction, and they’ve joined forces with Lemurians, a desperate
lot, running just ahead of the tide of their own mortality. In a bold move,
they try to coopt a group of young dragons, and very nearly succeed. Dewi, the
Celtic dragon god, and Nidhogg, the Norse drago
n god, banish their brood to the
dragons’ home world, but they refuse to stay put.
In a fast-paced, tension-riddled
closure to this dystopian, urban fantasy series, Earth's Hope sweeps from
Ireland to the Greek Islands to the Pacific Northwest to borderworlds where the
dark gods live. Fionn’s and Aislinn’s relationship is strained to the breaking
point as they struggle to work together without tearing one another to bits.
Fionn is used to being obeyed without question, but Aislinn won’t dance to his
tune. If they can find their way, there may be hope for a ravaged Earth.
Available at Amazon
Thank you Ann for guest posting for me! Please come back anytime. I am always happy to share book news or help in any way that I can. :D
In answer to your question, I prefer heroines with some back bone. I do not care for pushovers at all. As for the men, Alpha characteristics all the way with me. I like them possessive, monogamous, protective, domineering, a great libido, caring, and I like a tender heart as well. I know, I know, I don't ask for much. ;-)
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oh these ones sound fantastic!!! and they exist in paperbacks so i can't resist and hop on the list.
ReplyDeleteand my answer: i love heroine who are strong but still compasionate, i love to see them evole along teh series and grow into what they should be....the damsell in distress that just cry not for me
as for male: loyal, persistent ( not pushy) honest and protective
tnak you a lot for coming to see us!!
Thank you so much for having me! I'm so glad the covers and story descriptions caught your attention. Fiona Jayde is the best cover artist ever! When Musa gave me 8 days notice before they closed, I got hold of Fi, asked if we could rise to the challenge, and she said, "Of course." My stress level became much more manageable after that.
ReplyDeleteThank you a lot for coming to see us! Please don't hesitate to let us know about future release, we are definitively interested and would lovbe to spread the word
DeleteThanks for the gret interview and the excerpt from the books.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by, Robbie!
DeleteWhat a fascinating series! Thanks for sharing the great excerpt. I have added these books to my wishlist.
ReplyDeleteIf I can connect with the characters it helps me remember them long after I've finished. I love the strong women characters. (LOVE EVE! and Roarke!! OMG!!!)