Monday, September 1, 2014

September means school is back in session!

Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to school they go! 
It's quiet now without them around. 
No fighting, trouble, or problems abound, 
no one that needs tellin to settle down,
 heigh ho, I'm glad to see them go!

Now don't go thinking less of me. I love them but spending all day with three teenage boys for months, would even frustrate a saint.

Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on my posts, and comment more regularly again. :-)

Thank you Amber and Miki for playing host while I was away and distracted all through out the summer.

If you are new to my blog, you can find out all of the details for the CIG here. Otherwise, you know the drill. The Rafflecopter is below. :-)

There are a bunch of good books coming out in September. Here are a few that I have on my wishlist. You can click on the cover to go to Goodreads for more details.

What are you waiting on?

Don't forget to enter the Comment Incentive Giveaway. It is a great chance to win a book you'd like to have! The link can be found at the top of the page.


  1. Don't worry it was a pleasure^^. I really can see why you are happy to have a little more time for you;) all parents must have felt relieved after dropping them at school today it's so human;) ( though i guess little shifters with claws and teeths and so much energy wouldn't be better^^)

    Patricia Briggs!!!! of course i'm waiting on that one how could i not^^, teh paperback won't be released until 1 year though ( but at the momement it's nearly the same price as teh hardback go figure)
    honestly i haven't checked yet what were the other september releases i will try to see but since i'm quite behind^^ that doesn't stress me

  2. lol! As you know, I'm behind too. I still haven't read the last Mercy book. :-( I have it on my shelf but having so many scheduled reviews just keeps me from reading my chosen books.

    Sometimes not realizing new books are coming out is actually a relief.

    1. ^^ i haven't read it either but this one is filled with novella so i could only read those that fit where i'm in teh main series^^ ( and not knowing new books are out can be a relief yes... safe when you suddenly discover you are 5 or more books behind^^;;)

    2. I think I'm 2 behind on the series. :( I think I'm going to go on a marathon reread of the series soon.

  3. Um all that you listed now! LOL I don't even know whats coming out this month honestly. I've just been so busy! I'm sure that there are tons though.

    1. Oh and your very welcome! It was no problem stopping by. :)

    2. ^^ this first week is sure charged with interesting books i've saw one with baba yaga i really tempted to read ( will see if i'm lucky on the only int stop^^) but from teh series i have started they are at least 4 released books just this week.... so the month will be fulll ( and it tend to make me even less in a hurry to get them strangely)

  4. Hi everyone! I am so happy I just started receiving your emails again. Thanks Brenda for fixing the problem. Two new September releases I am looking forward to are Son of No One by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dark Blood by Christine Feehan.

  5. Seems like rafflecopter is making fun of me again saying i have no entry yet^^ i will wait a few days to see if it repairs itself like last time ( but i though it could be better to let you knopw in case no one can enter or the number change too quickly)
