January is almost over. Which means the Comment Incentive for January is also almost done.
For the most part, I felt that it went well. I most definitely had more comments than usual. Thank you guys! :-)
Just out of curiosity, did the Comment Incentive Giveaway prompt you to comment more, less, or did it not make a difference to you?
I think I will change one or two small insignificant things. For example, instead of adding all of the posts at the beginning of the month and having to rearrange impromptu posts, I'll add them as I post them.
I'd like to know what you think about it.
Do you mind stopping by to answer questions regularly? I enjoy speaking with you but I don't want anyone to feel overwhelmed or like it is expected of you.
Expected never. Appreciated always!
Just to revisit some of the finer points, if there are posts that you haven't already commented on this month, you can still do it and enter them in the Rafflecopter until midnight on February 1st.
1.Each post will have it's own space on the Rafflecopter. Please do not post a comment on an old post and then enter it in the Rafflecopter! I will list them by post as well as date on the Rafflecopter to help lessen this confusion.
2.If you miss a post, you are welcome to go back and leave a comment later. The Rafflecopter will accept entries for each post until the end of the month. Please don't wait until the end of the month and comment on all of the posts at one time. That is not the purpose of this incentive and doing so will result in being removed from the giveaway!
3.Any comment counts but please be genuine when posting comments. It is more fun when we can interact with each other. If each of your comments are the same ~ this sounds good or nice interview, etc... it makes it hard to respond to you.
4.A few posts will only have the 1 point for commenting and not the 3 point option for sharing. For example IMM (In My Mailbox) posts will only have the comment option. While I love sharing what I received, everyone in the Blogosphere probably doesn't care. This post is one of those posts. It is only relevant to those of you who take the time to read them. Most posts will continue to offer both options though!
Thank you for helping to spread the word! :-)
I think that about covers it. I'll announce January's CIG winner and the MVC on February 1st.
We will start February's CIG on the 1st as well.
Unless any of you have a better suggestion, I'll keep the prize the same.
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions?
Well, what do you think????
I'd love to know what you're thinking. Please leave a comment!
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed taking part in the Comment Incentive Giveaway. I like answering the questions, reading everyone else's answers, and of course, seeing the number of my entries grow on the Rafflecopter! ;-) I have no suggestions about what you can change, Brenda, but I think that adding posts when they go up instead of putting them all in at the beginning of the month would be more organised. Thanks for hosting this! =)
I'm glad that you are enjoying it. :-)
DeleteI think everybody has been having fun with it but it's always better to go straight to the horse's mouth to find out.
Well, it definitely prompted me to comment more, plus I visited your site a lot more too (though I only found you this month as well) and I definitely like the idea of comment incentives. I'll admit, the rearranging of post sometimes confused me (there was a bit of a snafu with the 25th and the 26th) so I think adding onto the giveaway after each post might work better.
ReplyDeleteAs for the prize, I liked it, but I think you should also offer different bookseller giftcards (like AllRomanceEbooks). Thanks a bunch!
Sorry about that Emily! It was the first time so there were bound to be some snags. I think all of my proposed changes should fix that (hopefully).
DeleteI've only just found ARe recently. That is a good idea though!
i think you are doing great really but it's true that addind the entry in form when they become available is better probably that to put them all in teh beginning of the month ( it can seem a lot too when we see them all listed at first^^)
ReplyDeleteFor the prize i think you don't need to change it ( perhaps add smashword too when you have introduced us to a lot of book there for example but offering the choice like you do is the best way i think to include the majority)
now did i commented more yes but also because of my promise^^;; and i love you idea of a small questions because it's a way to intereact and we are learning more avbout each other i think
DeleteI'm happy to comment on reviews, but I agree with Miki that the questions make this really fun! As I've told you elsewhere, Brenda, I always come back to read what everyone else has said! =)
I enjoy reading all of the answers too! I think we actually surprised one or two of the authors that stopped by. They commented about loving all of the discussion!
DeleteI will try to add Smashword links for you Miki. :-)
And yes, I think we are learning about each other too. I'm glad. :-)
don't worry Brenda i'm more than happy with the bookdepository or amazon but i added that to answer to the demand of emily for example^^ ( what can i say i such a print book person^^;;)
DeleteI prefer print books too Miki!
Delete-It definitely encouraged me to comment more.
ReplyDelete-I like your idea for the rafflecopter changes.
-Another option would be just make like 5 boxes for comments that refreshes daily. Then we could just enter the url for where we commented. This would also stop people from making 20 entries on the last day.
-I like the idea of making some posts worth less.
-You might want to move the reminder about the comment contest to somewhere above the comment section.
i think i don't like the idea of refeshing entry because we could forget if we have entered already or not and there are also the problem when there are two posts on the same day
Deletei really prefer having teh entry added systematically or keeping the way it is
I don't know how to have them refresh. lol! I would probably keep them the way they are anyway. Sometime's simple is better. I'll think about it though!
DeleteThanks for the input Krista. :-)
to make them refresh it when in the rafflecopter you mark the task can be done daily
Deletebut like i said then the problem is when you have two post ( we could comment only once per day in the rafflecopter it you use the "refreesh/daily system" and also we can't check if we missed something
Thanks for telling me. lol!
DeleteI agree. I think it's best to leave it the way it is.