Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fool For Books Giveaway!

Thank you to I Am A Reader, Not A Writer for hosting this hop.

I would be willing to make a fool of myself for a good book.

Would you?

In addition to the regular prize for this giveaway which will be the winner's choice of book ($16 or less) from The Book Depository, I will award another prize to my favorite answer to the following question:

How would you make a Fool of yourself for a book?

The comment also counts toward April's Comment Incentive Giveaway! Make sure to enter!!

As usual the giveaway is open to all followers age 13 or older provided The Book Depository ships to you.

I will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Participating Blogs:

Thank you for commenting! Don't forget to enter the Comment Incentive Giveaway. The link can be found at the top of the page!


  1. I would choose either Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer OR The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead.

  2. I would choose The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa or The Elite by Kiera Cass :)

  3. I would love to choose Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare.

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway :)

  4. Maybe The Elite by Kiera Cass, or My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Shadows in the Silence by Courtney Moulton :)

  6. The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa!

  7. +JMJ+

    I'd definitely choose Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. =) Thanks for another great giveaway, Brenda!

    As for your other question . . . I already make a fool of myself for books all the time! LOL! At least that's what my mother and sister say. Of course, I think my behaviour is perfectly normal! =P

    My sister just walked into the room and I asked her, "What is the craziest thing you have ever seen me do with a book?" She said: "There was that year you tried to coordinate your outfits so they would always match the book you were reading. That was INSANE." ROFL! I hope this answers your question, Brenda! =D

    1. ^^ the question is were you doing it consciously or unconsciously?

    2. +JMJ+

      At first, it was totally unconscious. =) Only when I put my book down on my lap to rest my eyes for a while would I notice that it matched my outfit!

      But after it happened several times, I was so pleased by the effect that I consciously tried to achieve it. LOL! ;-)

    3. Ha! That is too funny Enbrethiliel. :-)

      Either you are the only one who reads the actual post, everyone else is shy, or your the only one brave enough to admit that you are crazy about books.

      Don't worry that only makes us luv you more!

    4. ^^ Enbrethiliel was only the first ^^ ( to read or to dare to speak i don't know^^;;) i was up later since i had to recuperate^^;; and Brenda is right we can only love more those who are crazy about books^^ ( and it's linked to this blog after all^^)

      i did try to have the same oufit as the sailor mercyry in sailor moon ( not the short skirt) the jeans with the t-shirt purple and the blue pull for example^^;; i like this characther because like me she loved to study and loved water^^;; i couldn't rresist but i only did that a few time when i felt i needed some boost to keep going^^

    5. Enbrethiliel, that's AWESOME! I could totally see me an my book club doing this. I like to do theme reading marathons, where everything I read is related somehow. I guess that's the closest that I've ever come to actually doing something for real, other than the fact that the hubby now knows he only has to offer a trip to the bookstore to get me to do what he wants. Sigh, he SO has my number!

      My daughter is into Manga and I know many Manga readers are huge into dressing like their fave characters. I could totally see her doing that on a regular basis. Miki, one of her faves is Sailor Moon! I just got books 9 and 10 for her and she told me I was the best mom EVER! LOL

  8. I'd pick "On Writing" by Stephen King!

  9. I think I would pick a Jennifer L Armentrout book. Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  10. I'd probably pick Liberty by Annie Laurie Cechini!

  11. humi will perhaps pick a fantasy medley 2 so i could get the novella about Tybalt because yes i'm starting to get completely addicted to him^^;;; ( though in case i have several other choice possible as you know it)

    did a make a fool of myself for a good book...hum definitively and several time^^ HOw that's a good question i will pick the last one i guess i did went to a fantasy convention i had no interest in it^^;; to promote a author ( suzanne johnson) and her books in hope she would be translated in french... so i spend part of my birthday money for the train and the entry) then i went to the author section because i know a big edition house was going to be there....first there was a lot more author than i expected and i had to be honest by saying" i really don't know you what you book is about" i did look stupid i'm sure but worse... i had to wait the editor responsible so i spend the whole day near the stand in hope to see him ( he was there but enjoying the festival and letting the authors alone for once) since a lot of people were disguised and not me i was standing out and staying there will the file i had done waiting ...i looked like a fool and the authors diodn't understand why i was there not buying anything and not moving( but i suceeded in giving the file, i nearly saw nothing of the festival but mission accomplished)next time i have to do something like that i will try to make a costume of my favourite character^^:

    1. +JMJ+

      Oh, my! What a story. It does sound a bit embarrassing, but you did what you set out to do in the end, and that's what's important, right? =)

    2. I agree with Enbrethiliel.

      It's no wonder we like you so much Miki, you are loyal to a fault! :-)

    3. thank you, if it gets translated i will be more proud for sure at the moment i admit i'm too embarassed to check what teh authors put on their blog about teh strange stalker^^;;

    4. I hope they follow through and get the translation for you. Real dedication! Love to see others dedicated to books as much as my friends and I. Good for you!

  12. Thanks for the giveaway! I would choose Closed Hearts by Susan Kaye Quinn.

  13. Yup... definitely would make a fool of myself for books. I have read books until very late and be tired the next day!

  14. I have no clue I have so many of my wish list. I would prob pick between Unremembered, Grave Mercy, The Host, or Eve

  15. Maybe The Fault in Our Stars... Thanks :)

  16. Scarlet I think:D thank you for the giveaway!

  17. A lot of good books.... but A Beautiful Struggle looks good.

  18. Definitely Icons by Margaret Stohl

    Thank you:)

  19. I'd choose Sever by Lauren DeStefano.

    I'd totally act a fool for a book. In fact, I have been known to bed and plead and lay on the best puppy dog eyes you will ever see to either my husband (and sometime's mother, depending on who I'm at the store with) in order to get my hands on a book. I have no shame!

    Thank you :)

    1. There's no shame in that if it has the desired results! :D

    2. Yep, been there, done that ;) So, no shame in that one ;) Hubby has learned that if he needs something, then all he has to do is promise a trip to the bookstore LOL

  20. i would pick evolution of mara dyer

  21. I would choose Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. Thank you for the giveaway!

  22. Great giveaway!! Not sure which book to choose from too many

  23. Probably The Unbecoming of Mara Dayer :)

  24. I would probably pick a paranormal romance. I would even be willing to make a fool of myself by wearing an Easter bunny costume. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. Good idea. Would you hand out books instead of candy?

  25. I would choose Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.

  26. I want to read Warm Bodies or The I want to see the movies, but need to read the books first :) In response to your first question...I would make a fool of myself for a good book by dancing up and down the aisles of the library like a mad woman with no music :D Thanks for your giveaway!
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  27. I would pick In The Garden of Stone by Susan Tekulve.

  28. I would pick The chaperone by Laura Moriarty

  29. Thanks for the giveaway! I would pick The Selection or Dreamless, something from my wish list. I would totally do something foolish for a book, like moo like a cow I don't know! <3
    -Cali W.

  30. I would love to win Dark Triumph by R.L. LaFevers!

  31. Wolf with Benefits-Shelly Laurenston

  32. I would act out all the characters of the book with different voices and gestures for each! :)

    1. Ha! I would totally pay money to watch! lol!

    2. I've done it to amuse my neice and nephews so why not! :)

    3. That's AWESOME! I'd totally do that one too. I'm thinking of some really great ideas for a contest for my book club. Thanks for the great idea! LOL

  33. I think I might choose MJ Scott's Shadow Kin.

  34. The sad thing is there is probably no real limit if I love the book enough lol
    I would likely choose either The Great Escape by Susan Elizabeth Phillips or possibly a book by Molly Harper
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  35. I would like either Edge of Dawn or Lover at Last.

  36. I think that I'd pick Splintered.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. Just One Day or Things I can't forget

    Great giveaway!!!

  38. city of lost souls by cassandra clare

  39. I`m dying to read Walking Disaster! But I may just cave and take a break in studying and go buy it at the store tomorrow lol

    1. Hmm I would sing a song in a bookstore (but other people probably wouldn't appreciate that lol)

  40. Grave Mercy, PODs or Walking Disaster, thanks :D

    1. I would make a fool of myself by dancing really crazy for a book, There's almost no limit to what i would do to get a book lol :D

  41. I would love Splintered or Butter! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  42. I would like Insurgent or Catching Fire. Thanks!

  43. Thanks for the chance to win 'Lover at Last' by J.R. Ward!

  44. I'd like The Murmurings or A Discovery of Witches :)

  45. Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win and get Scarlet by Marissa Meyer or The Nightmare Affair!

    I would make a fool of myself for books by dressing up as book characters, talking about them all the time and having stacks and stacks of them everywhere! Yay books!

  46. Thank you so much! <3
    I would choose Beautiful Redemption or The Evolution of Mara Dyer.-

    rafflecopter name: Joss A.

  47. I would probably pick The indigo spell or Walking Disaster:)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Some Girls Bite. Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. The Fault in Our Stars perhaps?


    raffle name: Nikki O

  50. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Thanks! :)

  51. i might choose the night circus, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

  52. Also: I would make myself a fool for a book by doing the following:

    I'd let someone upload a YouTube video of me getting a pie smashed in my face if they'd buy me the book I really want!

  53. I would choose A Song for Julia by Charles Sheehan-Miles :)

  54. I would want Double Time by Olivia Cunning!


  55. I'd love to win Enshadowed by Kelly Creagh!

  56. The Next Always by Nora Roberts

  57. Dark Triumph thanks for the giveaway!

  58. Probably something by John Green. I just finished The Fault in Our Stars, and I'm totally won over!

  59. I'd love Defiance by C.J. Redwine

  60. I'm not sure, probably something from my wishlist.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  61. Wasteland! It just came out and sounds AMAZING! Thxs 4 the giveaway! :)

  62. My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison

  63. I am the most indecisive when it comes to books I never know what I am going to read next until I just up an pick it.

    According to my family I constantly make a fool of myself for books already because I eat, sleep and breath books literally so bring on the challenge and I would probably do it! I am always waking my husband up in the middle of the night talking in my sleep about books and I would much rather read a book then watch a movie and I try to make foods I read about...well really only the chocolate from Jill Shalvis Lucky Harbor series. But can you blame me? Seriously books come up constantly in my conversations and I treat them like they are real and not fiction...I can't be the only one...

    1. No, you're not the only one... I have a whole book club of ladies who feel this way. We take our books and our "fictional boyfriends" VERY seriously ;)

  64. Acted foolish one year in high school I got caught reading a promisious book back in the 60"s oh well at least I am still reading..

    I would like to red The Ugly Stepsister Strikes BaCK BY sARIAH wILSON...

  65. I would choose The Clockwork Princess

  66. I'd choose pre order of Isla and Happily Ever After.Thanks :)

  67. I haven't decided on a book yet.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  68. My pick would be either Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris or A Touch Menacing or Unremembered. Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  69. Everneath by Brodi Ashton. Thanks!

  70. Prodigy by Marie Lu. Thanks for the giveaway!

  71. I'm not sure what book I'd pick. When I win, I usually consult my TBR list & go through the books, narrow it down & do an eenie minnie miny moe thing, lol.

    As for the fool question, I'd get a lot of books (ones I've read obviously), go to a very public place such as Wal-Mart & start throwing books at people saying "the end is nigh!! Grab a book and read before it's too late!" =)

    1. I'm like you... too many to really know off the top of my head what I would pick.

      Love the idea... hmmm, might have to do that ;)

  72. I would like Strands of Bronze and Gold.

  73. How about Eleanor and Park? :)

  74. Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire!!

  75. I think I would choose Delirium by Lauren Oliver.

  76. i want to read Let the sky fall
    thanks for making this international!!

  77. I would choose any of Sophie Kinsella's books. I just love her books! Or maybe The Fault in Our Stars by John Green or The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Thank you very much for this lovely giveaway, by the way. :)

  78. I would probably choose Vision Impossible by Victoria Laurie

  79. Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  80. I would get Beautiful Redemption or Girl of Nightmares.

  81. Clockwork Prince! Thanks for the giveaway (:

  82. I would like Stung or something new by Stephen King or Clive Cussler. Thanks for joining the hop!
    Bonnie Hilligoss/

  83. Either Bared to You by Day or Rush by Banks.
    April Fools Day! April fools always seems to come and go without any practical jokes played. This year, however, my parents decided to play a prank. My 62 year-old parents! Well, they purchased a very realistic-looking fake tarantula and placed it on the toilet seat. When lifted the lid, I was in for a surprise. Instead of freaking out, like my parents hoped I would, I just cursed and then asked who's idea it was. I've never played a practical joke on April Fools. I need to get more creative and think of someone who would really appreciate it. Up until this year, I would've never thought my parents would be the practical joke-playing type! By the way, did anyone see Len Goodman from DWTS play a practical joke on gymnast, Aly Raisman and her partner, Mark. I was stunned and then laughed my ass off.
    Thanks for the giveaway and I hope you had an uneventful April Fools Day!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  84. I think I'd like thoughtless.
    MCantu1019 at aol dot com

  85. Thrown by a Curve from Jaci Burton.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  86. Something Strange and Deadly :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Phew, I finally found time to answer the question.

      On how I'd make a fool of myself for a book..well, there was this one time when I chased after a postman.

      When they get bigger packages they can't fit into my mailbox they will usually honk and wait for someone to come out and if no one does they'll leave a card telling us to get it from the PO. So it happens one day I just came out of the shower and saw the card in the mailbox. I could still hear the postman's bike somewhere (the sound is very distinct) so he would probably pass by my house on his way out. I settled down to wait and read a book. About 15 minutes later I was so absorbed that when he passed by I forgot to flag him down. I ran after him in my post-shower attire (the kind of clothes a person SHOULD NOT be seen outside in -.-) and chased him until he was almost out of the neighborhood before I caught up. I did try to shouting at him to stop but he probably didn't hear it because I was breathless from running lol.

      It must have been a sight for the neighbors to see me running like that. At that time I was so anxious to get the book I didn’t even consider just going to the PO and picking it up later. >.>

      Other *foolish* things I do:
      - I give books a full checkup before I buy them. The spine, the front, back, corners..I hold it high up and examine each part closely to make sure it's perfectly perfect. Sometimes I'd even dig through the entire pile and in the end choose the first one I took out lol
      - Talk myself into buying/not buying a book in the store. The kids who saw me probably thought I was crazy lady.
      - When I got Clockwork Princess I was SO HAPPY and EXCITED I fawned and made cooing noises at my pretty book, petted it, rotated it in the light to see how the dust jacket shimmers and stared at it with a dopey expression (according to my friends) for an entire afternoon.
      - Was late for class a few times on days I expected packages because I was waiting for it. Thinking back it was terrible but in my defense, I didn’t miss anything crucial. Then in the class itself I kept peeking into my bag to stare lovingly at the book.

  87. I would love to win Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs :)

  88. I would choose Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble by H.P. Mallory.
    How would I make a fool of myself for a book? Well, I guess I would be willing to hop through my street for a book! :)

  89. Walking disaster

  90. The Killing of John Sharpless: The Pursuit of Justice in Delaware County

  91. Probably Beautiful Disaster :)

  92. I would choose One Classic Latin Lover, Please by Marcia Lynn McClure

    and I would run barefoot around the neighborhood for books (ok, it's late after a long night at work, and that is all I can come up with...LOL)

  93. The Indigo Spell is on my to-read list and I'm really excited about it. Also I might want to get Walking Disaster. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  94. I'd have to think about it but maybe Lush by Lauren Dane. Thanks!

  95. I would choose ummm... Legacy of the Clockwork Key (The Secret Order, #1) by Kristin Bailey.

  96. Maybe a book in the Fever series by KMM.

  97. I would probably choose Iron King by Julie Kagawa

  98. I would probably pick Siege and Storm. As for how I would make a fool of myself for a book, probably dress like a character from a book.

  99. Probably The New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schuler.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  100. I am not really sure what book I would choose. Possibly a book by either Shayla Black or Maya Banks.

  101. I would choose Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  102. Heroes and Ghosts by S.A. Payne!

  103. Since I have so many books I would love to get, I'll go with one I've already read, but would like in hardcover. The 1st or 4th book in Darynda Jones Graves series. Love Charlie and Reyes!

    As for what I would do for a book I really wanted, hmmm. Guess I would be open to suggestions. I mean the usual items pop into my head, dress in some weird costume and stand on a corner with a sign to promote the book, scream to the world that I love books in the middle of a mall, spam my friends with a message stating that I'm running off to marry a fictional character - would have been a great one to have posted and sent out on April 1. LOL I mean the husband gets me to go do all of his favorite things by promising to take me to a bookstore afterwards, so I really don't think there is anything I'm not willing to give a try or at least a bit of consideration to doing for my love of books.

    1. OH, just thought of another one... Go to a mall or some other very public place and go up to people asking if they've seen your boyfriend. Select beforehand your favorite hero and then give them his description including if he has any "special" abilities etc. I'm thinking Reyes from the Graves series could be good. Dark, tall, carries a Scythe and is the son of the devil LOL Have the book somewhere near and very loudly proclaim, "Oh, there he is" and grab the book giving it a big kiss.

  104. OMG, I sooo want Liz Crowe's Mutual Release! I have been waiting on it for a while now...

  105. I'd love to read West of Want by Laura Kaye.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  106. I'm not entirely sure yet, but Saving June by Hannah Harrington and Easy by Tammara Webber are at the top of my list.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. I entered your Fool For Books Giveaway
    In response to your questions of
    Which book would you choose? And
    How would you make a Fool of yourself for a book?
    I would like to win a copy of
    Scarlet by Marissa Meyer And yes i would
    make a Fool of myself for a book.
    I would be willing to dress up like
    William Shakespeare and go to a book store and read aloud from his books then dance in the aisle
    and ask every girl i see if her name is Juliet.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!

  109. I'd probably choose Thoughtless! Thanks!

  110. Jeaniene Frost's Twice Tempted.

  111. I'm not sure but it will probably be something by Sherrilyn Kenyon or Christine Feehan.

  112. I would pick Pretty When She Kills by Rhiannon Frater! Thank you for the giveaway!

  113. Not sure but maybe For Darkness Shows the Stars

  114. I`d probably choose something by Stephen King.
    Thanks! :)

  115. maybe Rapture or Passion by Lauren Kate or a graphic novel

  116. That's difficult to say.
    Maybe Catherine by April Lindner :)

  117. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl By Jesse Andrews

  118. The Essential Oils Handbook
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  119. I may get The Next Always by Nora Roberts.
    Thanks :)

  120. I would pick The Breakaway (The Breakaway #1) by Michelle Davidson Argyle(:
    Thanks for this giveaway!

  121. The Storyteller by Jodi Piccult

  122. I might choose Another Kind of Dead

  123. I would pick Sever by Lauren DeStefano!
    Penny Pe

  124. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer or twice temptation by jeannie frost
    almendra in the rafflecopter
