This meme was created by The Story Siren.
I bought one hardback:

Paperbacks that I bought:

Kindle books that I purchased:

What have you received lately?
If you haven't received anything, then what have you been reading?
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i thought i was going to say i got nothing ( should have some books arriving soon i hope, some should have arrived but *disappeared* ç_ç)
ReplyDeletebut yesterday evening i received a copy of The donor by Ambrielle Kirk!!! so i did get a book
i also received a wonderful bracelet i won from pam's blog really lovely
in case i needed to precise it's a ebook and i won it ( probably here^^;;)
DeleteYou'll have to tell me how that one is! I've been wanting to read it. :)
Deletei have to print it but then i will move it up the list so i can give you my opinion ^^ ( post-it done so i won't forget)
DeleteAw thanks hun! No rush. :D
DeleteThis week I won a copy of Smoke, Wings and Stone by Marijon Braden. Hopefully it will arrive in the mail soon.
ReplyDeletei'm happy for you, i hope it will arrive soon and in good shape^^
DeleteVery cool! I'll have to check that one out. :)
Deletei've finished it and i love it!! i'm going to write my review now but really it's interesting and hot ( though less than transforming the love) and written in an exellent style
Deletei'm speaking of "the donor of course" ( i just replied to the wrong comment)
DeleteOO I really want to read On Dublin Street! I keep hearing about it. Hm.. what did I get this week? LOL Oh the book you got me came soo yay!!! :) The 2nd in the Pheonix Pack series, 'Wicked Cravings' by Suzanne Wright. I bought 'Real' by Katy Evans, and I got 2 Karen Kelley books and 2 from Jill Sorenson. I think that was pretty much it. :) I know that one of the bookstores around me has a sale going this upcoming week so Im sure I'll get some more. :D
ReplyDeletesale... remind me i need to go check if the bookstores here have any... need books....
Deletehaha! We have this store by us thats called Half-Price books. The name says it all, they buy books from you and then turn around and sell em. They had a coupon for an additional 50% so I went to see what they had. The also clearance books out alot and most are in decent condition so I can find alot of great deals there.
DeleteNormally I like to try and buy from retailers or like amazon mostly to help support authors but I have found alot of titles that are hard to get at this place or goodwill. That and its hard to pass up some of the prices.
Deletei'm sure the authors don't mind after all at least their boosk are read and loved and if you find a new one there you can buy the rest of the series full prices after so it's win win.... july is the month of sales so i was thinking of bookstores/retailers but i don't knkw if they do actual sales too or if i could be interested in what they put on sales...( and 50% would be great but i think it would be more 20%)
DeleteThey usually do run sales but Im not sure if there are really any specials from July. Im trying to remember from back when I was working as a bookseller. I think they just had the normal sales they run which yes are usually just an additional 20%. The 50% was a coupon for one item for that day only. But I would definitely check the stores around you. You have different shops then we do so maybe? :)
Deleteoki i went ( finally) and i'm so disappointed... the best possible was 2+1 for free but the price were so high that even like that it make it cheaper on bookdepo( oki if it was just a little more i wouldn't have minded but it's the double sometime 3times the price ç_ç!!!)
Deletecomplete fail for me
Seriously? You think it would be cheaper in the actual store?
Deleteto be honest no i didn't expect the store to be that cheap except for promotional item or sales and i did hope for some... but i thought that i was going to have a little difference ( 1euro for example so less than 2dollars) and to have the book without wait, to be able to read them even in the train on my way back home i would have accepted that difference ( also for the people working there)
Deletei wasn't expected to see the price doubled or more no....( and when i said the price i don't just think the price from thebookdepository bno but the price noted on the back cover simply)
Is it because there published here originally? Thats just insane to me. Your buying a book not drugs! Again im sorry you had no luck.
Deleteno like i explained on another comment books are expensive here even the one made in france.. they want to promote culture and reading but it's becoming more and more expensive ( they is a series i started it was 4 euro the book....now it('s 10,60 and next year it will be even more....( it was 4 then 5,20 then 5,90, 6,50, 7,20, 8,60 etc)...
Deletei just didn't except having such a difference no it's because of tax perhaps but let's be honest.... even with them it shouldn't be so expensive when i tiold my mother about it she looked at me and just said: you were right not to buy anything , don't worry we will get you some ( meaning when there will be an offer at bookdepo and the person with the bank card accepted will be here my mother won't mind if i go bersek and make a huge haul^^... now she really understand ( and i will perhaps get oen book before since my brother birthday is in september... there is at least 2 book on his wishlist so she will probably ask teh person to come so we can order them and have them on time for teh birthday and i could add one paperback for me then .. i hope^^)anyway i'm so glad to have discovered the bookdepository with free shipping and good service
Im sure she will. :) and it really is an awesome site.
Deleteonly downside they don't offer gift card^^ but seeing how the rest is perfect i don't mind
Deleteyea i saw that. Which really sucks when you want to use it as a gift.
Deleteas long as you have the info it's not that problematic it just that you have to choose or ask which book intead of teh received choosing alone
Deletethough i just remembered that at a time i saw on a blog that she had gift coupon but perhaps it was a special offer from teh website ( or a test before generalising, i mean since amazon owns it now it could apply teh same system)
DeleteHopefully that means that they will give that option soon? It would be really nice.
Deletenice and useful but if keeping the free shipping means we don't get that ioption i do prefer the free shipping^^
DeleteThey might do the same promo that they do on amazon though if they decided to stop it where if its over $25 its free shipping? I know that It would still be better for all shipping to be free since its what most blogs use for there int. and they wouldnt want to spend $25
Deletesure and then we also get a problem if they send for above 25 dollras instead of several parcel like now there will be taxe ( since the limit for parcel from shop of 22euro ( but they count 1dollars=1euro-_ even more unfair)
Deleteso yes i do want to keep teh free shipping ( now with teh other shops offering free shipping they would loose a lot if they don't)
I didnt realize that they taxed you on that. I know you were saying Amazon did but I guess I just didnt think of it. It can stay how it is and we'll be happy. GC's would be a nice benefit but like you said you can live without them if it mean free shipping.
Deleteoh no amazon doesn't tax me ( oki i get higher price than you so perhaps) i was really speaking about our postal service....they consider they must add vat but the problem is that they charge you for that...so it add up quickly and get soon more expensive than teh package.... i will explain in a email so you could have a littel info in case you need it for the futur^^
DeleteOk yea. I may need to know that for when I ship you stuff. i dont want you to have to pay anything.
Deletei'm not the only one lot of country are teh same it will be just teh limit that change ( so wghen you get your blog it would be useful yes... i will try to send that today or i will explain teh next time we chat together depending on what you prefer)
DeleteEithers fine with me. Email may be better so I can save the info. I was wanting to send you some books.
DeleteYea I would definitely prefer that. :)