Book Description:
As a moonwulf, Daciana never expected to
fall in love with a human. Hell, she never imagined that she’d abandon her
pack, endanger everyone around her, and break the worst rule possible. But she
A rogue werewolf is killing Daciana’s
friends, and she sets on capturing the creature. She’ll do whatever it takes to stop the
beast. The police and her boyfriend, Inspector Connell Lonescu, are starting to
question her involvement in the murders, which is endangering the pack’s secret
existence. But when the pack alpha kidnaps Connell, revealing the awful truth
about the creature and its connection to the pack, Daciana must choose between
saving the man she loves and saving her pack family from certain death.
in Fur by T.F. Walsh
Genre: Paranormal Suspense with
strong romance elements
Publisher: Crimson Romance
Date of Publication: August 5,
ISBN: 978-1-4405-7161-9
Number of pages: 149
Word Count: 73,000 approx.
Cover Artist: Stephanie Hannus
Here's an excerpt:
The phone’s
strident ringing woke me up, and I glanced over at the bedside clock blazing
5:13 A.M. Too
damn early for anything.
Tempted to dive
back under the covers, I checked the caller ID: Connell. Crap. The previous night’s events came pouring back: me turning
into a wulfkin outside the full moon, running with the pack all night,
collecting my keys from the woods, and ditching Connell again. On top of that,
I never retrieved the old books for the elixir. Double crap.
I pushed my legs
over the edge of the bed, scrunched the sheet in my fist and answered the call.
“Where are you?”
The panic in his voice turned my stomach.
“At home.”
“What happened
to you last night?”
My throat dried
up as my mind whirred with excuses. “I uncovered something in my research and
got stuck into it, not realizing it was past midnight when I checked the clock.
I didn’t want to wake you and went straight home. I’m sorry.”
“I suspected you
wouldn’t come. Looks like I was right.”
“Come on,
Connell, give me a break. I’m working on something majorly important.
When you’re on a
case and spend nights in the office, I don’t give you shit about it.”
“That’s not what
pisses me off. It’s that you never tell me anything. Send me a message if
you’re going to be late or not turn up, anything to let me know what’s going
on. It feels like you’re only staying with me on until something better comes
“That’s not
true. I only want you.”
I lowered my
head and stared at the dirt beneath my toenails from the previous night’s run.
“I don’t want to
talk about this now,” he said. “We found two more bodies this morning. The
victims were located on the opposite sides of the city.” He paused. “Why would
a wolf bolt across the city after a kill? They attack in packs, don’t they?”
A shiver rippled
down my spine, the possibility of two more dracwulf kills made me furious.
There was no convincing myself the attacks weren’t related to the others; I
felt the truth in my gut. Worse yet, I wondered whether the dracwulf was simply
hungry or territorial, and Sandulf had to know. I flopped onto the bed and
curled into a ball.
When I gave no
response, Connell continued. “I need you to review the reports from the
previous attacks today and visit the new scenes to see if you believe it's the
same animal.”
I cringed at the
innocent wolves who could lose their lives over Sandulf’s stupidity.
“Your team can
test the evidence and see if it’s the same predator without me.”
“We have limited
testing resources in this country, so we need your expertise to move things
The way he said
“your” sounded full of contempt, and it pained me to hear him talk like that.
“The chief wants
a hunting party issued this weekend, preferably with Romania’s Animal Research
Institute’s approval. He’s already spoken with your boss, Vasile.”
I climbed up and
paced the room, shaking my head. Typical Vasile to agree to anything the cops
“If I could
leave you out of this, I would, but I can’t. Trust me, I tried.”
“I appreciate
that. Where should we meet?”
“Piaţa Square.
Half an hour?”
“I can do that.”
He hung up.
A snarl ripped
past my throat at the terrible start to the day. Who could blame Connell for
being upset? I’d be livid if he kept avoiding me.
I threw on a
pair of Levi’s, boots, and a gray hooded top. The bathroom mirror reflected
gray wolf eyes from my recent transformation, and already the silvery color was
fading into a darker shade. I pulled every strand of my nest-style hair into a
ponytail and rushed outside into the morning twilight.
About the Author:
Walsh emigrated from Romania to Australia at the age of eight and now lives in
a regional city south of Sydney with her husband. Growing up hearing dark
fairytales, she's always had a passion for reading and writing horror,
paranormal romance, urban fantasy and young adult stories. She balances all the
dark with light fluffy stuff like baking and traveling.
And now the moment you've been waiting for....
You know that I want to read this.
What about you?

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shifter, romance and suspense.. of course i want to read this^^... i guess i will just have to read a little faster ( or simply find more time to read )so i can have room for it ^^( which won't be a problem i'm sure i'm ultra happy and motivated right now)
ReplyDelete:-) I'm sorry that I keep adding to your lisdt. If it's any consilation, my list keeps growing too.
Delete^^ i don't mind don't worry^^
DeleteI think its going to be a never ending battle for us book lovers. As long as new books keep coming out were always going to have more to read.
DeleteWhich is a good thing, right?
Deletea wonderful thing yes!
DeleteDefinitely of the good! :D
DeleteThanks for sharing my book reveal on your blog today:) New follower.
ReplyDeleteWelcome TF, i'm sure you will get some fans from here since we are shifters books lovers^^.
Delete^^ You will have a lot of pleasure here, Brenda is a fabulous host^^
i forgot my question: is your book going to be available in print too in the futur?
DeleteWelcome TF! We love Shifters so I'm sure your book will get a great reception here. :D
you are too sweet. Being a great host has nothing to do with it. It's the people I have with me that make this a great place to talk books.
We are big shifter lovers here! And Brenda your the one who keeps us coming back! :D
DeleteAwww thanks Amber!
Delete^^ you don't have to doubt it ^^ you are the center of our gang and if you wxho are feeding our books addiction ^^
DeleteThanks. It's great to feel wanted. :-)
Delete^^ you are ans it's our mission to remind you of this when you are feeling down or doubting it^^
DeleteAwww, thanks. I hope I do the same for you guys. I truly wouldn't know what to do without you.
Delete:) We can keep sweet talking you if need be! LOL But totally dont doubt yourself or your blog! You do an amazing job
DeleteNo need! My head would probably start to inflate. lol! Thank you though!
DeleteLOL anytime! ;)
DeleteCount me in! Love the cover! This sounds very intruging so I will definitely check it out! :)
ReplyDeleteI had no doubt! :-)
Deleteyea you really dont need to ask me if it has to do with shifter at all! LOL Im pretty predictable about them. :P
DeleteI'm loving here already... might hang around some more, especially if shifters are involved:)
ReplyDeleteMiki, the book will be available in print in 6mths time:)
Thank you for this fabulous news!!! i can definitively add it to my list now !!! thanks
DeleteAwesome! Thanks for letting us know. In addition to being in love with shifters, we all seem to prefer printed books as well. :D
Deletethat was make us stick together ^^ we share so much^^
DeleteVery true Miki. :D
DeleteYay! I can wait that long! Well I can try! LOL
Deletesee it this way: you already have a huge wishlist and TBR pile, if you wait it will be PRINT book so i'm sure you can keep busy for 6months before indulging to this one^^
DeleteThats true. I do have a huge pile that I could read and we're always finding more.
Delete^^ just need to put a post it or something to remember to pre order this one when it's possible^^ ( since i can't order that often i do have some pre oredr months... months before the release ^^;;)
DeleteI have a whole notebook full of books that I want or were interested in. I do preorder on occasion if its alot cheaper.
Deletei had a notebook too!!! needs to put it up to date and i will start a separation with book in print so more urgent wishlist and those only digital ( in hope for later print) ^^ i prefer to have it on paper and not only on internet/computer^^
DeleteLOL we really are alike. I need to seperate mine too. Its all a jumble. I also have a booklist of all the books I own in a binder sorted by authors last name. It helps me so I dont end up getting doubles.
DeleteMe too*__* though i'm just starting it this year. i didn't want to have double so i made a little note book but it was quickly full( even more sinec i put french book with english one) so this year i took a book and started again by author name but on each authors page i also classify the books by series and i put the editor in athor color too so i if my mother took it to see if i have one she want to offer me she would see the right edition
Deleteso do have so much in common thogether and with brenda that's frightening^^ ( but i guess that become necessity for books lovers so we are probably a lot to have though of that)
My mom and me share one so I dont have that problem fortunately. I also do mine by series within the author. I've put it all into a binder with tabs of the alphabet to make it easier. I used to have it all handwritten but my aunt was soo bored at her job (another long story) that she typed everything up for me and put them into spread sheets. Its really nice. She adds the new books I get and will print me new lists every month or so.
DeleteI dont know if you use this site or not but I find it really helpful with finding series orders. It doesnt have every author but its been a big help to me. -
Deletei would take hours ok even days to type all ^^ i tried for my mother but in the end i we,t back to a special notebook with teh info really more easy.
Deletei didn't know this site but he is interesting so i've bookmarked it thank you!
Yea I couldnt do it! She did it over like a months span. She likes to work and her job has her doing nothing for most of her 9 hour days. So she asked to do it. I would just hand write everything and search through it that way.
DeleteI do really love that site. Its great for finding series and if its an "adult" author it will take you to that site automatically.
^^ at least your files is up to date^^ so she did you a great gift^^ and you gave me a new idea of gift now^^ i just have to think of how to create what i have in mind
Delete:) Im intrigued now. Im very thankful for what she did. Its soo much easier searching now through my books. I didnt mind doing it all by hand but it was a great blessing that she wanted to type them out for me. Now I just need to figure out the program so I can continue it. :)
Deleteon that note i need to go get a new book.... i will separate french books than english one because... right now all the pages are used ( not completed just teh name of the author) and i still have several to include so either i will still mix french and english but do part 1 and part 2 or separate ( i think separate will be more easy, less pages to move and more easy if my mother is looking for something she just has to take the french one...)
DeleteYes it would probably get confusing if you put them together. :)
Deleteso a shopping time soon ^^ with you in mind too^^
Deletei guess you didn't think it was that kind of notebook though^^
I was thinking it was one of those plain ones until you showed me. Thats what I was originally using before I moved to the binder.
Delete^^ no plain one i immediately thought it wouldn't be good enough since i couldn't add a new author between two already there ... at first i had a pocket binder ( yes really REally too small^^)
DeleteI didnt originally have it alphabatized within the letters. Like I had all the A's together and like the actual author (ex.Kelley Armstrong) but it wasnt in actually order like Armstrong came before Ashley. Which was a complete pain. I was constantly rewriting trying to be more organized. Then it went to binder with loose leaf paper. Then thank god for my aunt and her boredom! :) I'll love her forever for tpying them up.