Vampires exist among us. They
can be our neighbor, best friend, our child's teacher ...
They alter their aged appearance based upon the amount of blood they consume. They move to a new area, drink a lot of blood, and appear young. Slowly they limit their intake of blood and age, right in front of our unsuspecting eyes. After decades, they fake their death, move, and do it over and over again.
Most live quiet lives in an effort to blend in.
Some however want power and control.
The Colony is an elite group of vampires sworn to protect the President of the United States from these rogue vampires.
When Raymond Metcalf, vampire coven master of the Colony, teams up with a federal operative of the human female persuasion–who has no idea that vampires even exist–will his mission or his heart be compromised first?
Career military woman, Alex Brennan, is being offered the promotion of a lifetime and with it a romance that she has desperately been seeking. Does she dare accept the position as Director of the Colony, an elite group of deadly creatures of the night and risk a dangerous romance with a man who isn’t even human?
Together, can they save the President?
Eternal Service
Series: The Colony Book #1
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance
Author: Regina Morris

Regina Morris is
the author of the humorous paranormal romances that make up The Colony series.
She loves paranormal romances featuring vampires, but her personal taste is
light-hearted and humorous – not horrific and gory. She lives in Austin, Texas
with her husband and two children. She enjoys meeting with her monthly critique
writing groups and meeting other writers in the Austin area through the WLT
She has
lived in many different parts of the world. She graduated high school in
Germany and she attended the University of Texas at Austin where she
received a degree in computer science with a minor in math.
writing, she is an amateur portrait and sports photographer. After enjoying a
career in the software engineering business, she discovered that writing was in
her blood, and had to put pen to paper!
connect with Regina Morris through various social medias which
are listed on her personal author website
What do you think?
Thank you for commenting! Don't forget to enter the Comment Incentive Giveaway. The link can be found at the top of the page!
Interesting, i think it's the first time i come across vampires that can change their age appearance depending on the level of blood they drink.... i wonder if they have a limit though ( ex can only go back to adolescent no under, or something like that)
ReplyDeletealso i guess teh president does know the truth but how can he be so sure the one he will confide in ( for a new important post) will keep the secret too...
i really would like to discover this one and i'm happy it's available in pdf on smashwords ( gave me an hope to effectively getting it one day)but there is a print version too which is even better
It definitely is a unique take
DeleteHi Miki & VampedChik. I'm the author of "Eternal Service." I'm glad you like my spin on the vampire genre. :-) There are 3 classes of vamps: purebreds are born to vampire parents, turned vamps (humans being turned), and half-breeds (where the father is a vampire and the mother a human). Purebred vamps can drink blood and get down the age where most humans get their wisdom teeth (late teens-early twenties). Turned and half-breeds can only be as young as their mid to late twenties.
DeleteThanks for sharing! Thats really cool. I have this one on my wishlist so I hope to get to it soon. :)
DeleteThank you for coming to see us!!
DeleteI'll definitely have to check this one out. It sounds really interesting
ReplyDeleteLove vampires! Eternal Service sounds like an exciting book. It reminds me of The President's Vampire by Christopher Farnsworth.
ReplyDeletecould you tell usa little more about this book please?
DeleteI've heard of that one. I might even have it. LOL
Deleteyou do have more vampire book than me i think ^^ and with huge tbr pile we forget about some^^ but i'm really curious aboput what booklady thought of that one and why she recommend it^^
DeleteI have pretty much anything paranormal. :) Shifters and Vampires expecially. Im interested too in what she thought. (i have to go look if I have it now)
Delete^^ i know you have both but from your listing you told us about i think you do have more vampire book than me ( i have a lot more with shifters^^ but still probably less than you)
DeleteLOL possibly! :) Either way though its fun to share them.
Delete^^ oh yes i 'm making discovery everyday with you and brenda
DeleteThe same goes for me with you! :)
Deletei'm surprised... it's rare that i introduce a book you haven't heard about it before^^ but i'm glad if you find a book you love thanks to something i've said
DeleteYou still contribute! Or at least sometimes you remind me of series that I forgot about which is nice. :)
Delete^^ it's a way to contribute yes... i guess at least
DeleteDont sell yourself short hun! Your a HUGE contributer! :)
Deleteby commenting yes, by introdocing you to books and authors must be honest and admit no. but it's nothing we all have our strenght and weaknesses
DeleteNo you also give me good reviews on things. Your more than just a "commenter". You just recently told me about that Mafia one. I forgot about it and then you also told me she had a paranormal series.
DeleteBrenda made us discover this story ( i still haven't posted my review it will only be in a day or two ) and she did put in her review that she wanted to try her paranormal one so you see^^ i just reminded you but it was nothing new
DeleteWell your still valueable to me so dont think you dont mean anything. I've said before most of my close friends arent readers so I have you and Brenda.
Deletei really appreciate and you and Brenda are also really important to me ( thus my new idea that i'm still working on)
Delete:) Well im excited to hear about it when your ready.
Delete^^p you will be in the first to know^^
DeleteHi Miki & VampedChik. I'm the author of "Eternal Service." I'm glad you like my spin on the vampire genre. :-) There are 3 classes of vamps: purebreds are born to vampire parents, turned vamps (humans being turned), and half-breeds (where the father is a vampire and the mother a human). Purebred vamps can drink blood and get down the age where most humans get their wisdom teeth (late teens-early twenties). Turned and half-breeds can only be as young as their mid to late twenties.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by to share with us! :)
DeleteHi Regina,
Deletethank you so much for coming to asnwer our questions.I really appreciate all these info and it makes me even more interested in trying this book ( so glad the pdf version exist!! thank for having though about those without kindle^^)
Could you tell us how many books you think the series will count? ( since in the rafflecopter we have an opportunity to win book2 we knows it's not a stand alone but will it be trilogy or a longer series?)
Im interested to know too! :) It sounds like a great new series. I cant wait to start reading them.