I read this story quickly. It was a fun read. In Every Time I think of You, Madison, a beautiful almost virgin plus Drew, a celibate man whore equals an interesting equation. You add in a scheming friend and I'll let you do the math. I really liked the plot. It had a lot of promise.
I had a minor complaint that the author had a hard time deciding on Madison's eye color. It confused me and I had to reread to make sure that I hadn't misunderstood. Her eye color switches from green to brown, then green is mentioned later and then brown again. It doesn't really matter what color her eyes were, I just found it confusing!
I was enjoying the story so much that the ending seemed rushed. They barely got together and then it was over! I feel that the story would have been even better if Ms. Rhys would have given us a little more.
Overall, I liked the story. If Ms. Rhys had decided on an eye color and not rushed the ending, I would have liked it even more!
This story is meant for adult eyes only!
It is definitely worth reading if you're looking for a quick, fun, read.
I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.
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