February 11-March 1, 2013
Interview with Author Annabell Cadiz
Crazy Four Books: What is your favorite thing about writing?
Annabell Cadiz: I love watching as the story falls into place. It’s like watching a movie come to life in a way and you’re experiencing it as it develops scene by scene, character by character, twist by twist. I love being able to create characters and explore who they are through dialogue, wardrobe, and reactions.
Crazy Four Books: Do you write down ideas or do you put everything on your computer?
Annabell Cadiz: I do both. I like to write by hand an outline of the basic elements that will go into each chapter before I type it out on the computer. I keep both the hand written outline and the one saved on the computer just in case something happens. I also like to write out scenes on paper first before I type it out because hand writing helps me lock onto what I want to do. Writing by hand always helps me zero in on what details I’ll want to use for a scene or a character. Typing on the computer helps me to get the scenes written a little faster ;)
Crazy Four Books: What do you hope people get out of reading your book?
Annabell Cadiz: First and foremost, I hope people authentically enjoy reading LUCIFER and have fun with the characters and the story. I also hope readers realize how important the role of a parent is in a child’s life and that women can define themselves on their own terms. They don’t need a man to define them and what makes a woman beautiful is her strength and her brains. She doesn’t have to sacrifice one over the other in order to get the guy ;) Amen!!!
Crazy Four Books: What is one thing readers should know about the heroine?
Annabell Cadiz: Zahara Faraday is the main lead in LUCIFER. She’s a girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty to protect the people she loves and kicks some major butt! Gotta love Girl power! :D
Crazy Four Books: Do you prefer to go to the theater or wait for the DVD?
Annabell Cadiz: That depends on the movie. Sometimes you can tell by the trailer for a movie, how good or bad it’s going to be. Sometimes it’s harder to tell. I go to the movies often and rent or buy DVDs often, so it depends on if the movie seems appealing enough to pay movie theater pricing nowadays or if it’s a movie I’ve been waiting to see. The same goes for DVDs.
Crazy Four Books: What book would you like to see made into a movie?
Annabell Cadiz: Ooo that’s a really great question! I’d LOVE to see the Theatre Illuminata Trilogy by Lisa Matchev, The Heather Wells Series by Meg Cabot, The Dark Elite Series by Chloe Neill and the Bloodlines Series by Richelle Mead. I'd like to see both of Chloe Neill's series as well as Richelle's made into movies. I haven't read any of your other picks. I'll have to check them out. :D
Crazy Four Books: Beef, chicken, pork, or vegetarian?
Annabell Cadiz: Haha! Funny question because not so long ago I was a vegetarian, but I’ve switched over to eating chicken. I still eat my vegetarian food, just mix chicken in now.
Crazy Four Books: If you could pick any destination, where would you go?
Annabell Cadiz: I would LOOOVE to go to New Zealand, Australia, and Vienna (Austria). New Zealand because the country looks so beautiful and the Lord of the Rings were filmed there *Nerd Girl* Australia because I want to play with koalas *hehe* and Vienna (Austria) because Mozart was born there and I would like to see his house which is a museum.
Crazy Four Books: Hardback, paperback, ebook or audio book?
Annabell Cadiz: As much as I love my ebook published authors and am in full support of them as well as more than happy to read their ebooks, I will always have a GREAT love for hardcopy books. There is something wonderfully magical about holding a hardcopy book and the smell of printed paper. I love smelling books! *hehe*
Crazy Four Books: Are you more likely to wear a skirt or pants?
Annabell Cadiz: LOL that depends on where I’m going and the kind of day it is outside. I live in Florida and the weather here can be ridiculous. Most of the time it’s super-hot here because the humidity can get so intense, even when it’s raining or incredibly cloudy outside before it rains. BUT we also have a lot of mosquitoes, so as much as I’d love to wear skirts or shorts to counter the heat, I’d be covered in tons of bites and the bites will swell =/ I prefer pants also because skirts make me feel too naked. Most of the time you’ll find me in pants and maybe capris.
Crazy Four Books: What type of music do you listen to?
Annabell Cadiz: I jump around really. I LOVE classical music because I grew up listening to it and have become fond of Opera. I also LOVE listening to the Blues, especially if it’s Billie Holiday or B.B. King. I also really enjoy classic or Christian rock or a variety of Christian music. I LOVE Family Force 5, Adele, Flyleaf, Tenth Avenue North, Paper Tongues, Chris August, Carrie Underwood, the Civil Wars, King and Country, Christina Perri . . . this list could keep going so I’ll stop here ;)
Crazy Four Books: What is your least favorite chore?
Annabell Cadiz: Washing dishes! I use to love washing dishes when I was kid. For some reason we would always had more forks and spoons then knives, so I would make the forks and spoons fight for the love of the knives *hehe* Washing dishes became a chore after I got older because no one else ever wanted to do them and dishes have to be done like eight times a day =/ I hate dish washing too! :-(
Crazy Four Books: Favorite T. V. show? Celebrity?
Annabell Cadiz: Oh man, that’s a toughie! I have a few shows that are my guilty pleasures *giggles* Pretty Little Liars, Once Upon a Time, Revenge, Downton Abbey, Beauty and the Beast, and Dance Moms. As far as favorite celebrity: Johnny Depp, Robert Downy, Jr., Chris Evans, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Rachel McAdams.
About the Author:
Annabell Cadiz was born in the sweltering heat of South Florida. She was raised surrounded by Puerto Rican chefs and band of siblings that weren’t all related to her. A self-proclaimed nerd and book-a-holic (her room does hold much evidence to prove her claims are justifiable), she
Annabell Cadiz was born in the sweltering heat of South Florida. She was raised surrounded by Puerto Rican chefs and band of siblings that weren’t all related to her. A self-proclaimed nerd and book-a-holic (her room does hold much evidence to prove her claims are justifiable), she
created TeamNerd Reviews to showcase her EXTREME love for novels where, along with her best friend, Bridget Strahin, she hosts book reviews, interviews, giveaways, Indie Shoutouts and much more. She also blog tour services for authors. She also had the pleasure of being published in three separate issue of Suspense Magazine. She also adores Cinnamon Teddy Grahams, has an addiction to Minute Maid Orange juice, and is a proud Jesus Freak. Lucifer is Annabell’s debut novel and the first book in the Sons of Old Trilogy.
Where to Find the Annabell
About the Book
(Sons of Old Trilogy, Book 1)
Author: Annabell Cadiz
Genre: New Adult, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural
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Get an autograph from Annabell Cadiz!
Have you ever wondered what could be hiding in the shadows?
Well, for eighteen-year-old Zahara Faraday, she doesn’t have to wonder. You see she comes from a lineage of Light Witches, those who have chosen to help protect and serve between the supernatural world and the human world. The only problem is Zahara, like her father Solomon, is as human as a human being can be whereas her mother, Mia, and her Aunt Catalina, were born as Light Witches. As a family they hunt down rogue supernaturals—creatures who harm humans or who have committed an act against their kingdom.
Zahara’s hunting skills are usually kept dormant since her parents would prefer she live life as a normal human girl without knowledge of the supernatural world. She plans on doing just that—except when she finds a couple being attacked by fairies, she has no choice but to step in. Before she can return to pretending to be blissfully ignorant, Zahara encounters a problem she isn’t the least equip to handle: Bryan Hamilton, the good looking new co-worker she has to help train. In a heartbeat, her best friend, Becca King, has set her up on a double date with herself and her new crush, Rekesh Saint-Louis, who happens to be the most powerful leader of the biggest Imago Coven in South Florida –supernatural creatures with the ability to control water . . . and suck out human souls.
Zahara has no time to focus on how she’s going to explain her double date with her best friend and the enemy they have a tentative truce with to her parents because soon one of the members of Mia and Catalina’s coven is found murdered with a strange tattoo of a snake with wings carved into his arm.
Zahara is then thrown into a whirlwind battle with an angel determined to have revenge against God, an Imago coven she doesn’t think they should trust, and slew of dream-eating fairies and powerful Nephilims, hybrid children of angels and humans, more than happy to rip her to shreds.
Normal just got a deadlier definition.
In honor of the two main female leads in LUCIFER, Zahara and Becca, Annabell created a fun swag pack for ONE very lucky winner!

Win a specially made makeup kit by E.L.F along with one DVD copy of the movie Sixteen Candles, a fuschia metallic manicure set, a Girl Power Superwoman wristband, a LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD silver necklace, a silver bracelet with handcuff & key charms, Honey Sweetheart lotion (that smells INCREDIBLE!), two toned lip bloom (that is SUPER cute!), and gray colored cheetah printed socks that are SOOOO adorables and an ecopy of LUCIFER!
ANNNND if that wasn't enough, FIVE other lucky winners will win a FREE ecopy of LUCIFER!

Stop by the LUCIFER BLOG TOUR for new clues throughout the tour!
My Thoughts:
I first came in contact with Annabell Cadiz last year when she asked me to review a book for another author. I loved that book and I quickly decided that I liked Annabell as well. As a person, she is kind, friendly, organized, knowledgeable, and very easy to talk to. As a debut author she is still everything I've already said as well as imaginative and talented to say the least.
I am very glad to be part of this tour and to have the chance to read Annabell's book.
When I first read the synopsis, I almost passed it up because of the reference to Lucifer and angels. I generally don't read books that have religion mixed into them. I was intrigued with this book though and the fact that Annabell wrote it sealed the deal.
I am truly glad that I went with my instincts and didn't pass it up. Lucifer was an imaginative paranormal story involving many different beings. There were angels of course, witches, dream-eating fairies, Nephilim and Imago.
It was an action packed adventure that had me on the edge of my seat many times throughout the book.
The plot had action, supes, some romance, mystery, kick a** heroines, and an awesome cast of characters all masterfully woven together to give us a story unlike any other I have read. What an ending!
I suggest that you put this book on your TBR list if you like paranormal stories, especially if you are into angel books. I am eagerly waiting to read Michael, the next book in this series.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. Honestly? Job well done Annabell! Your book was intriguing, imaginative, and fun. :D Fantabulous!
Leave a question or comment for Annabell or answer one of the questions that I asked her.
I'd love to know what you're thinking. Please leave a comment!
Thank you so much, Brenda, for such kind words on both me and my book! *BIG HUG* You are TOO sweet! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the book and am grateful you looked passed the Prologue to give the book a chance ;) Thank you so much for participating in the blog tour and supporting my book!
DeleteI was glad to help promote your book! :D I wish you much success with the rest of your tour.
I just know your book is going to be a huge hit!
Recommendation from Brenda that counts a lot^^ so i will try to give this oen a try too then, i trust your judgement
ReplyDeletenow as for teh question...meat ( beef, pork, chicken ( i guess all common one but never lamb ( i'm allergic) or horse ( i love them too much) and nothing beats a print book for me. really i treasure them, i love their feeling, their smell... digital book aren't really a thing for me. i can't read on a computer a lot so really no
I bet you'd like this book Miki. :D
DeleteI've never tried lamb and I could never try horse.
We raise chickens, turkeys, and rabbits for the kids 4H projects. We once raised hogs as well. Everyone is always like, oh you had some fresh meat, and my response is a resounding NO. If I see it as a baby it doesn't get eaten here :) I've never been brave enough to try the rabbit, the kids and husband like it. When we raised the hogs and my son sold them at fair, him and I stayed away from pork products for a few weeks, couldn't help wondering if his hogs were in there. sigh.
Deletei couldn't eat something i raised either... it took me years before being to eat rabid once again because when i was little i did everything to get one and i finally received one from someone who raised them. It was in my grandmother house because she had a big garden so lot of food for him... one day after school i come home and we sit to eat... i'm not really hungry and then my grandmother announce " but eat it! it's your bunny!".... as you can imagine big drama... i never thought it was going to be eaten a day and just like that..; even my mother didn't know and she was furious of how my grandmother did it but it was done... no rabbid since then until perhaps oen year agao ( more than 10 years with nightmare) and still now i need to have only little piece and to choose them myself... if you tell me it's rabbit or urge me i go back in time and i can't eat anything
DeleteAw, that's sad Miki. Very common with those that grow up on a farm before grocery stores made it so easy to buy food. In the US now, most kids grow up with no concept of where the food they eat comes from. It's one of the good things about my kids being in 4H, they are learning about those things and appreciate the farmers that provide all the more.
DeleteSounds like an interesting book. I will definitely have to read it.
ReplyDeleteAs for one of the questions...hmm... I wear pants or shorts all the time. I rarely wear dresses or skirts. I did wear them a lot as a child and young adult but not so much now.
Due to stomach issues that have come about as I get older, meat isn't always my friend ;) I do eat beef on occasion, pork a bit more often, but I either eat no meat, salmon, or chicken the majority of the time.
ReplyDeleteI love my printed books and wouldn't want to give them up. However, it is a great convenience being able to have 100's of stories waiting at my fingertips on my kindle. It takes up so little room. I tend to buy only those books that I love or from an author I love. Have a lot of the classics on the shelves too. I just bought a great 2nd hand copy of Moby Dick this past weekend! No better opening line in my opinion! and this book has characters from all of the obvious love it's seen.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Brenda, I have to say that your colour palette for this post is great! I know that you usually coordinate colours with the graphics, but this time, the tour image, the cover, and even the author's picture aligned especially perfectly with your fonts. =)
Like Annabell, I use both a pen and paper and my PC to write stories. I actually want to have everything written out in longhand before I start encoding it--and yes, that once meant a six-hour-long writing session that nearly used up an entire notebook! =P It may be more of a hassle, but it feels right to me--and I find that I get my best ideas sitting in an empty kitchen late at night, with my notebook before me, than sitting in front of a computer. =)
Thank you! I'm glad you approve. :D
DeleteI don't write stories but if I have a letter or any thing else to write, I prefer plain old pen and paper.
I'd love to see the Maximum Ride series get made into a movie, which is supposedly in the works already, and I'd love to see the Mercy Thompson novels get made into a movie.
ReplyDeleteI'm also much more likely to wear pants than a skirt. I think I actually only own one skirt...though I'm not sure if it actually still fits me...
Ha! You sound like me. I have skirts but NEVER wear them. I think the hubby would fall over if I put one on. lol!
ReplyDeleteOh and If they made a Mercy Thompson movie I'd be buying advanced tickets for sure!