I'd like to welcome Angela Carlie!
She is an amazing Indie author.
She's written many awesome books
I loved Loramendi's Story. : )
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
She has generously offered a book for a giveaway!
Now without further ado, the interview:
What do you hope people get out of reading your book? That depends on the book. I wrote Dream Smashers with the hopes of connecting with people who are struggling with a loved one who is an addict. A lot of books for teens that deal with addiction usually gives the addict's side of the story. I wanted to delve into the other victims' story--the family members, friends, and children. Those are the peeps who have no control over the addiction, but still suffer. Those are the peeps who have to make the painful decision to let go--and sometimes that's all they can do.
My other books are to entertain. Although I do hope readers take certain elements from the stories, I'd like to let everyone decide what it is they get from it. Everyone takes something different.
Which of your characters is your favorite to write? My most favorite character thus far is definitely Jess from Spider Wars. She's tough has a lot of personality to spill all over the pages.
What are you working on and when can we expect it to be out? I just released the second book in the Lords of Shifters series--Spider Wars is available in eBook format on Amazon and Smashwords. Soon, it should be available wherever ebooks are sold. :D
What is your favorite thing about writing? Creation.
I just love that answer. :o)
Here are some questions just for fun to get to know you better.
Do you prefer to go to the theater or wait for the DVD? I like both--really depends on what mood I'm in.
What is your favorite color? I'm a moody person. It varies on how I'm feeling. Right now I like greens and purples.
If you could pick any destination, where would you go? I'd love to take my dad to Australia. He visited there briefly while in Vietnam and he's always wanted to go back.
Hardback, paperback, or ebook? Right now I'm a fan of ebooks.
Are you more likely to wear a skirt or pants? Definitely pants.
What type of music do you listen to? All types.
Beef, chicken, pork, or vegetarian? Vegetarian is the only way for me.
Least favorite chore? I dislike all chores and avoid them as much as possible.
Homebody or social butterfly? Homebody
Inside or outside? Outside
Elevator or stairs? hahahaha! How many stairs are we talking?
Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog!
I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. :D
For more information, you can find her on:
Her Blog Twitter Website Facebook Goodreads
Angela generously offered an e-book for a giveaway.
However, Loramendi's Story is currently free on Amazon.
Click on the above link to get a Kindle book. Everyone wins!!!
Not sure if it's your cup of tea? Read my review Here.
Or read the Goodreads synopsis.

Hi Brenda! Thank you for featuring me on your blog today. :) You asked some great questions. Have an awesome week!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for everything. You're awesome and I can't wait to read Spider Wars! :D