The year is 1983. Christian is 22 years old when he leaves his home in Denmark to spend a year in Florida with a very wealthy family and go to med-school. A joyful night out with friends is shattered by an encounter with a savage predator that changes his life forever. Soon he faces challenges he had never expected. A supernatural gift he has no idea how to embrace. A haunting family in the house next door. A spirit-filled girl who seems to carry all the answers. An ancient secret hidden in the swamps of Florida. One life never the same. One love that becomes an obsession. Two destinies that will be forever entangled.
Savage is a paranormal romance with some language, violence, and sexual situations recommended for ages sixteen and up. It is the first in a family saga that covers three decades of the character's lives. The sequel is expected to be published in September 2012.

Paranormal Romance
Title: Savage
Series: Daughters Of The Jaguar
Author: Willow Rose
Date Published: 6/14/12
Purchase at Amazon

Willow Rose writes Paranormal Romance, fantasy and mystery. Originally from Denmark she now lives on Florida’s Space Coast with her husband and two daughters. She is a huge fan of Anne Rice and Isabel Allende. When she is not writing or reading she enjoys to watch the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
Contact her: Website / Blog / Facebook / Goodreads / Twitter
I have an excerpt for you to enjoy!
I removed my clothes and followed her into the cold water that sprang from the center of the earth in a spring somewhere further north and therefore had the same temperature all year around.
“Are there any animals in this water?” I asked as she carefully took me by the hand and led me in. “There might be manatees,” she said with a shrug. “What about alligators?" I asked and turned as I thought I heard something move behind me in the water. “Someone told me that there are alligators in all waterholes in Florida.”
She laughed. “There might be, but we rarely see them. Besides. It just makes it that more exciting, right?” She pulled my hand and drew me close to her. Our bodies felt warm against each other, her skin was soft, and touching it made me forget about animals in the water and the sounds of nature. I even forgot about my concerns as to hurting her and disappointing her parents. All I could think about was her and me, here right now in this water that was caressing our bodies. I kissed her again and held her naked body close to mine while allowing the passion to rise in me. Suddenly she pulled away from me. “Stop,” she whispered urgently. I looked at her and saw that the expression on her face had suddenly changed.
“What’s wrong?” I asked sensing that my voice was shaking slightly. If it was out of fear or caused by the arousal I didn’t know. “I thought I heard something.”
“Like what?” She shook her head while her expression cleared. She smiled. “It was probably nothing.”
I was able to review Savage and here are my thoughts:
I won't lie. I felt like the beginning dragged on at first (only the first chapter or two). But when the story picked up it really picked up and kept right on going.
I really liked the spin on the fountain of youth! It was very intriguing.
It didn't end the way I would have liked it too. :( However, Willow Rose set up the ending so that it gives me hope that in the next book things will change! Bring on the next book!
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
*Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of Reading Addiction Blog Tours and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by Reading Addiction Blog Tours, no payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, publisher, publicist, or readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning Use of Endorcements and Testimonials in Advertising*
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