Dale Mayer is a prolific multi-published writer. She's best known for Tuesday's Child, Hide'n Go Seek, her romantic suspense novels that was one of the final four in the Kensington Brava/Romantic Times contest this last year. Besides her romantic suspense/thrillers, Dale also writes paranormal romance and crossover young adult books in several different genres. To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the
To find out more about Dale and her books, visit her Website / Twitter / Facebook.
Psychic Vision Series
Tuesday's Child
Hide'n Go Seek
Maddy's Floor
Single Title Romantic Suspense/Thrillers
Touched by Death – out now!
It's a Dog's Life (Romantic Comedy)
Young Adult Books
Dangerous Designs – Book I
Deadly Designs – Book 2 – out soon!
Vampire in Denial – Book I of Blood Ties
Vampire in Distress – Book 2 of Blood Ties
Gem Stone Mystery Series- out soon!
In Cassie's Corner- out soon
Non-Fiction Books
Career Essentials: The Resume
Career Essentials: The Cover Letter
Career Essentials: The Interview
Career Essentials: 3 in 1
Title: Vampire in Denial (Family Blood Ties, Book 1)
Author: Dale Mayer
Publisher: Valley Publishing
Length: 68,000 words
Genres: Paranormal YA
Sub-Genres: Action, Adventure, Mystery/Thriller
Blood doesn't just make her who she is...it also makes her what she is.
Like being a sixteen-year-old vampire isn't hard enough, Tessa's throwback human genes make her an outcast among her relatives. But try as she might, she can't get a handle on the vampire lifestyle and all the...blood.
Turning her back on the vamp world, she embraces the human teenage lifestyle--high school, peer pressure and finding a boyfriend. Jared manages to stir something in her blood. He's smart and fun and oh, so cute. But Tessa's dream of a having the perfect boyfriend turns into a nightmare when vampires attack the movie theatre and kidnap her date.
Once again, Tessa finds herself torn between the human world and the vampire one. Will blood own out? Can she make peace with who she is as well as what?
No, Cody had some serious skills, at least according to David. It would take a lot for someone to get the drop on him.
Like being a sixteen-year-old vampire isn't hard enough, Tessa's throwback human genes make her an outcast among her relatives. But try as she might, she can't get a handle on the vampire lifestyle and all the...blood.
Turning her back on the vamp world, she embraces the human teenage lifestyle--high school, peer pressure and finding a boyfriend. Jared manages to stir something in her blood. He's smart and fun and oh, so cute. But Tessa's dream of a having the perfect boyfriend turns into a nightmare when vampires attack the movie theatre and kidnap her date.
Once again, Tessa finds herself torn between the human world and the vampire one. Will blood own out? Can she make peace with who she is as well as what?
No, Cody had some serious skills, at least according to David. It would take a lot for someone to get the drop on him.
He just didn't have much class. Turning around, Tessa watched Cody land in front of her. His graceful controlled landing made her instantly jealous.
"There's no sign of anything unusual going on."
"No, of course not. Why would there be? It's not like they're going to advertise that they've kidnapped humans." She studied the huge stone mansion. "The captives are most likely to be downstairs."
"Whoa. You're not going into the house. If you're determined to take this further, we go back to our parents and let them go to the council. They will determine the best course of action."
Tessa stared at him in disbelief. Everything about the night had taken on a surreal appearance. She was here, where Jared was being held, with someone who could actually help her and he wanted to go for their parents. No knight riding to the rescue here.
Then he'd been raised by the old belief that vampires don't go against vampires - without just cause. She didn't think she could come up with enough evidence to prove her case.
She snagged his arm, willing him to listen. "We have to at least see if they are here."
"No Tessa." He shook his head, his vampire eyes glowing with terrible heat. "That's enough. This isn't a kid's game. This is vampire business."
"And who's going to believe me? No one. I'm not like you. My word doesn't mean anything to the others. If you don't see that Jared's been taken and kept as a captive
yourself, you won't be able to convince them either."
He shook his head.
Fine. She'd go in alone. Turning away, she headed to the back of the house. "Go back home. I don't need you."
"What the..." He raced behind her. "Tessa stop. You can't go inside there. You're not allowed."
"And they're allowed to take humans?" She snorted. "I don't think so." The moon slid out from behind the clouds. Off to the left, a set of stairs cut down to a narrow wooden door. Probably the cellar.
She picked up her pace, reaching for the knob in seconds. She bolted though the unlocked door before Cody could drag her back out. Down a narrow hallway, she fled through another door that led to a wide open space. Empty space. Damn it. Could the prisoners have been moved already? How? There hadn't enough time for that.
"There, are you satisfied now?"
She spun around at the sound of Cody's voice. "No." She walked the perimeter of the room. At the far end, the room curved down and around. At the far end, her nostrils flared. Her weird knowing sense kicking in. Animal. Death. Fear. Pain.
This area had been used as housing for animals during the cold winter months. Horses, most likely. Ancient farm smells permeated the air. Hay. Manure. Blood.
"What's the matter?" Cody whispered.
She looked at him. "Can't you smell it?"
"Smell what?"
"Pain. Death."
He just didn't have much class. Turning around, Tessa watched Cody land in front of her. His graceful controlled landing made her instantly jealous.
"There's no sign of anything unusual going on."
"No, of course not. Why would there be? It's not like they're going to advertise that they've kidnapped humans." She studied the huge stone mansion. "The captives are most likely to be downstairs."
"Whoa. You're not going into the house. If you're determined to take this further, we go back to our parents and let them go to the council. They will determine the best course of action."
Tessa stared at him in disbelief. Everything about the night had taken on a surreal appearance. She was here, where Jared was being held, with someone who could actually help her and he wanted to go for their parents. No knight riding to the rescue here.
Then he'd been raised by the old belief that vampires don't go against vampires - without just cause. She didn't think she could come up with enough evidence to prove her case.
She snagged his arm, willing him to listen. "We have to at least see if they are here."
"No Tessa." He shook his head, his vampire eyes glowing with terrible heat. "That's enough. This isn't a kid's game. This is vampire business."
"And who's going to believe me? No one. I'm not like you. My word doesn't mean anything to the others. If you don't see that Jared's been taken and kept as a captive
yourself, you won't be able to convince them either."
He shook his head.
Fine. She'd go in alone. Turning away, she headed to the back of the house. "Go back home. I don't need you."
"What the..." He raced behind her. "Tessa stop. You can't go inside there. You're not allowed."
"And they're allowed to take humans?" She snorted. "I don't think so." The moon slid out from behind the clouds. Off to the left, a set of stairs cut down to a narrow wooden door. Probably the cellar.
She picked up her pace, reaching for the knob in seconds. She bolted though the unlocked door before Cody could drag her back out. Down a narrow hallway, she fled through another door that led to a wide open space. Empty space. Damn it. Could the prisoners have been moved already? How? There hadn't enough time for that.
"There, are you satisfied now?"
She spun around at the sound of Cody's voice. "No." She walked the perimeter of the room. At the far end, the room curved down and around. At the far end, her nostrils flared. Her weird knowing sense kicking in. Animal. Death. Fear. Pain.
This area had been used as housing for animals during the cold winter months. Horses, most likely. Ancient farm smells permeated the air. Hay. Manure. Blood.
"What's the matter?" Cody whispered.
She looked at him. "Can't you smell it?"
"Smell what?"
"Pain. Death."
5 stars! Original YA vampire story.
“Vampire in Denial by Dale Mayer is a delightfully different addition to the teen vamp paranormal genre. Can't wait for the sequel.” (Charlotte)
5 stars! Do love.
“This is the first book I've read from Dale Mayer and I'm sure going to be reading more because this is my new favorite vampire romance book since Twilight!” (PrincessZelda))
5 stars! Another exciting series from Dale Mayer
“Oh, book! You were so FUN! I was getting all tense and worried about how poor Tessa was going to prove herself and it was exciting and I desperately wanted her to realize that her tangled up feelings about a certain someone were not all brotherly. But, but...why did you leave me hanging on such a cliffhanger?!?! I MUST KNOW what's going to happen to her!
In most ways, Tessa is an average teenage girl. Her parents don't really understand her, she feels like she's caught between two worlds and she's not sure if the boy she likes likes her back. The fact that she's a vampire who's literally caught between two worlds doesn't change any of that. Her parents really don't have a clue how hard it is for her, a genetic throwback, and no one in her family understands that how the full-blood vampires treat her like a stupid little girl.
All in all, this was a fun, fast read with a girl who definitely came into her own as the story progressed. I thought Cody and his slow revelations about Tessa were adorable. I like how her mother rose up to defend Tessa once things were brought to her attention. I like that Tessa wasn't willing to abandon a friend, even if he was "only human".
I can only guess as to where the next book in this story is heading but I'm DYING to read it now. DYING, Dale Mayer. DYING!” (Kelly Rubidoux)
4 Stars! Exciting first installment in a new YA vampire series!
“This book managed to stand out amongst the plethora of vampire novels out there. I liked how vampires had different abilities and how some of them, like Tessa, seemed more human than vampire (i.e. could be out in the daylight, didn't crave blood). It added a bunch of new dimensions to the world and I'm liking where the series is going.
This really was a great read. I was entirely able to relate with Tessa and enjoyed watching her change throughout the story. Just a warning, the author leaves us with one heck of a cliffhanger, so I can only hope that the next book comes out soon!” (Jamie “Bookerella”)
My Thoughts:
Wow! What a book and what an ending. I am soooo thankful that I have the second book to review also. I recommend that you do yourself a favor and buy both at the same time. The way the it ends, you will want to start the other one right away. I know I did!
Dale Mayer has taken vampires and made them her own. This is the first book in a YA vampire series that is fantastic.
You have the girl, Tessa who has issues. She is the daughter of two full blooded vampires and her brothers are both full blooded but she is not. She doesn't feel that she fits in with her own family and that's sad. She has human friends and a human crush but they don't know that she's half vamp.
When her and her friends go to the movies one night everything changes. She finds a strength that she didn't know she had. She will stop at nothing to protect her friends.
I love Tessa's character! She is smart, fiercely loyal, very loving, courageous, and tireless when it comes to her friends and family
Vampire in Denial has a great plot. There was a lot of action, mystery, and some romance all tied together flawlessly. I couldn't put it down. I recommend this to everyone who likes vampire books, YA paranormal books, or just wants to read an awesome story.
Dale Mayer has a new fan. I enjoyed this so much that I can't wait to read more of her books!
If you like The Drake Chronicles series by Alyxandra Harvey, you'll like this.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I honestly loved it! :D
Title: Vampire in Distress (Family Blood Ties, Book 2)
Author: Dale Mayer
Publisher: Valley Publishing
Length: 68,000 words
Genres: Paranormal YA
Sub-Genres: Action, Adventure, Mystery/Thriller
When Tessa rallies friends and family to find her missing date, they uncover a secret...and start a war that causes ripples in all aspects of their lives.
A vampire with throwback human genes. Sixteen-year-old Tessa finds more than just her friend in this journey...she also finds herself in need of rescue ... Imprisoned, she has to find a way to escape and reunite with her family before this war takes out those she loves.
The youngest of his ancient line. Eighteen-year-old Cody descends from flyer vampires wants Tessa back at his side where she belongs – even as he struggles with conflicting emotions about his best friend's kid sister...
A human determined to protect his people. Seventeen year-old Jared thought his life was over then he finds out that his rescuers are vampires...how can he trust them? And then he finds out the truth about Tessa...and that she's been taken, too...
Three brave souls struggle as war breaks out around them...a war that shows them no mercy.
"Do you not know others in the Council or on committees we can trust? Are all the elders untrustworthy?"
Shocked silence surrounded her.
She closed her eyes and groaned softly. The fragile egos of the elders. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded." She tried again. "I'm trying to understand why you don't trust more people."
"We have elders we trust with many issues. This problem, however...well, it divided the Council when it happened before. It's looking to do the same again, on a much larger scale."
Rubbing the back of her neck, Tessa stared at the two men. "Surely there has to be someone you trust to take control. Or you can bring in many someones. You suggested the Council, then switched to the enforcers. Why?"
"I don't know," Serus muttered, "I started thinking about the members who'd been pro blood farming decades ago."
"It is an ancient problem," she said. "Then bring in young blood. Ones who don't have the same prejudices and beliefs. My generation."
Both men snorted, and Goran said, "We're not bringing in children to do a man's job."
"Why not?" She snapped at him. "I dare you to say that to Cody, Ian, or David."
"That's different. They're men."
Even Serus winced and closed his eyes as if waiting for Tessa to strike Goran a mortal blow.
"I'll ignore that comment, thank you," Tessa said stiffly. Once again, she realized, they'd had a group of vampires together and nothing had gotten done. They'd talked themselves into circles without achieving anything. Pulling out her cell phone, she texted David, repeating her words aloud as she typed. "Who can we contact to help? Dad suggests the Council and the enforcers, and yet has admitted both are problematic."
"Who are you texting?" Serus stared down at the phone in her hand suspiciously.
She smothered a smile. "David."
"David? Why not your mother?"
"Because I figure she's your age and will have the same prejudiced suggestions you do." She shot him a wry glance. "Am I wrong?"
He grimaced. "Probably not."
The wind picked up, chilling them as she waited to hear back.
The longer she waited, the more worried she became. Finally, she looked at her father. "Do we know if our group is still safe? That the people you called in haven't overpowered our people and locked them up?"
"Don't say that. Rhia would have let us know." Serus's face took on a grim look. "I would know if she were in trouble."
The cell phone jingled, relieving Tessa's anxiety, and she hurriedly read David's text.
"He suggests we bring in the media," she said, studying the mixed feelings crossing both men's faces. "Hmm. What do you think of that idea? Or do you consider that another age old prejudice?"
Goran's snort left no doubt about his opinion. "The media can't be trusted at the best of times. This isn't going to be any different."
"Don't you know anyone who's honest? Someone from before? Who, whether you liked them or not, you respected?"
"Hell, no."
5 stars! Amazing read!
“This book picked up where Vampire in Denial ended, and notched it up a dozen steps. In the last book, Tessa started out worrying that she didn't fit in anywhere. In this book, she's worried that she and her friends will stay alive. And even more. They've discovered something evil going on. Something that will shake up the vamp and human worlds. Something that's too big for them. But when Tessa calls in reinforcements, things get even weirder.
I'm almost afraid to say anything that will give away the plot. So I'll just say that the end was really satisfying... and then it left me gasping. This entire story has twists and turns that stopped my breath and kept me clicking to the next page. I didn't want to stop reading. I love it too that we get to see into Cody and Jared's minds. Both of them are great, but I'm in the Cody camp. I'm super eager for the next book!” (E.S. Rose)
5 stars! Wonderful Sequel
“Just when we think Tessa is safe and there will be a resolution to the Tessa/Cody/Jared triangle, we're blindsided by more problems for these characters. Ms. Mayer leaves us with the ultimate cliffhanger so that we are all anxiously awaiting the next book to find out what happens!
I am a high school teacher and originally grabbed the first book in the series to see if it would appeal to some of my students. However, I was quickly hooked! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these books. They have romance, action, mystery...something for everyone.” (BJ35)
My Thoughts:
Will I ever learn? Dale Mayer did it again. She left us hanging! I need book number three NOW! How dare she write a wonderful, totally enthralling story and make us wait to read the next one and find out what happens!
The second book in the Family Blood Ties series was just as awesome as the first one! There was so much action and intrigue! Every time I thought I knew what was going on, the plot twisted or turned. It left me gripping my seat in anticipation and I can not wait to read the next one.
I loved how Tessa became more confident with herself in this book.
You should definitely read book one first. Vampire in Distress picks up right where Vampire in Denial leaves off.
I recommend this to everyone who likes vampire books, YA paranormal books, or just wants to read an exciting story.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I honestly feel that this book was terrific and it left me anticipating the next one!
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the book sound great i love vamp book and then i get inot them and blog a lot
ReplyDeletedesi the blonde at msn dot com
Thanks for leaving a comment! Both books were awesome!
DeleteI have read some of Dale Mayer's work and enjoy her writing style. I am really looking forward to this series, excerpts definitely peaked my interest :)
ReplyDeleteThese are the 1st books that I've read from Dale Mayer but I plan to read many more now. :D