In what scenario do you do your best work?
Usually at home on a quiet Saturday afternoon without a ton of distractions. Strangely, I work well on planes, too.
What book would you like to see made into a movie?
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor I have to confess that I haven't read it yet. :( It has been on my wishlist though!
Which books have been on your tbr shelf the longest?
Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie is a book I added to my TBR list almost two years ago and haven’t yet read. I have the paperback in my bookcase, so it’s just procrastination, I guess.
When people review your book do you read them personally or do rely on others to let you know what's being said? Since I’m just starting out as debut author, I’m able to read most of them. At some point, that may not be the case, so it’s fun to read them now.
When you sit down to your Thanksgiving meal, what is your favorite food to feast on?
My grandma’s cornbread dressing….tied with her chocolate meringue pie.
If you could talk to one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
Well, I’ve met Laurie Halse Anderson (I flailed like a fangirl ), so I’d say Jane Austen. Her writing has withstood the test of time, and I’d love to hear what her life was like.
Favorite T. V. show? celebrity?
My favorite TV show right now is Big Bang Theory. Celebrity? I can’t really say I have a favorite. But I would probably faint if I ran into Michael Trucco somewhere.
Homebody or social butterfly?
A mix. I love to go out with friends, but I need my solitude, too.
Do you have a favorite scent?
Cinnamon Yum! Perfect for this time of year!
What is your favorite supernatural creature?
That’s a tough one. Probably the Nephilim. I first encountered them in Madeleine L’Engle’s Many Waters, but I love Cassandra Clare’s take in The Mortal Instruments.
Hot cocoa or eggnog?
Cocoa, hands down. I’m a chocolate-addict.
Thank you Kendra, for taking the time to answer my questions. :D
Please be sure to read my other post which includes an excerpt, the links for Kendra and her book and an awesome giveaway. You can find it here.
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