Here is my interview with Sadie Hart!!!
Out of all the books you've written, if you could live in one of them which would it be and why?
Oh. Tough question! But as much as I would love to live in the Shifter Town Enforcement world, I actually think if I could only choose one, it’d be Cold Mercy, the book I’m polishing for a December release. The friends, the food, the creepy magic waking there…I’d love it. Besides, I think Eden, the main female character in the book, and I would get along great.
In what scenario do you do your best work?
It used to be dead silence, now I like some noise around me. Probably because all through high school and college I wrote during classes (then at my first job, I wrote at the front desk). It’s like I now need something distracting happening around me so I can focus. Typically that means I have AIM open and am talking with friends as I write and I settle right now and get to work. If no one’s on, I have the TV on for background noise. Though let me tell you, dead silence with just the dog panting next to me? Drives me nuts.
What are you working on and when can we expect it to be out?
Currently I’m polishing up two different projects. A Shifter Town Enforcement novella, Pale Moon Cry, that will be out in November. It deals with characters we’ve yet to see in the series. The second project I’m polishing is Cold Mercy, the first book in my new Northern Wolves series, and it should be out in December.
Which books have been on your tbr shelf the longest?
Yikes. I actually just wiped my Goodreads to-be-read list because at 200 strong it was looking a little scary. But off the top of my head… I’d say Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress books and Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld series. For some reason I just never seem to get around to starting them even though they sound perfectly up my alley.
Paper or plastic?
What food can't you live without?
Pizza. Ice Cream. Ice cream. Pizza. I can’t choose. We’ll say both. That way I have dinner AND dessert.
Inside or outside?
Depends on the weather. Summer/winter I’m happier indoors in temperature controlled climates. :-p On those nice spring/autumn days though, I’d rather be out walking.
Ice cream in a cone or dish?
In a dish! I am so not a cone person. -eyes them skeptically- Ick!
What is your favorite sport?
Uhhh…hmm. Does dock dogs count? I’m not really a big sports fan, at least not if I have to watch it on TV. In person, I enjoy football quite a bit (though I have NO idea what’s going on).
What is your favorite or least favorite veggie and fruit?
Least favorite veggie. Haha. You mean there’s one I like? I’m working on teaching myself to eat healthier and my taste buds are threatening to pack up camp and leave. My favorite fruit is totally pineapple. Yum!
What is your favorite animal?
Dogs. However, I currently have a fascination with moose…they have funky noses, are known for being more dangerous than black bears in upper Michigan, and I’ll be darned, but I can’t find them in zoos around here.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Speed bumps. Seriously, if Jimmy Johns is supposed to be so fast…why do I have to drive over four different speed bumps getting into their parking lot? That is not fast and does hell on my car. Drives me nuts.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
No! Thank YOU for hosting me! The questions were my pleasure. :)
About the Author:
During the day, Sadie Hart works as a secretary in a library. At night, she writes steamy, paranormal romances revolving around the things that go bump in the night--both the spooky and the naughty kind. She lives in Michigan with two large dogs, both rescues. She writes the Shifter Town Enforcement series, combining her love of all things animals, the paranormal, and an action packed plot, but she doesn’t plan to stop there.
She can be found:
Website / Facebook / Goodreads / Blog / Twitter
Title: Cry Sanctuary
Shifter Town Enforcement
Author: Sadie Hart
Paranormal Romantic Suspense
Word Count: 72k
Cover Artist: Sadie Hart
Purchase from:
Amazon, Smashwords or
Barnes and Noble
Book Description:
After being held captive at the hands of a serial killer, Holly Lawrence is the only one who’s ever managed to escape the werewolf known as the Hunter. As a Hound for Shifter Town Enforcement, it was her job to track and find the killer; instead another girl died the night that she escaped. Now, the Hunter is changing his game and he has Holly in his crosshairs, all he needs is a good chase.
But when he targets the pack of Sanctuary Falls, alpha werewolf Caine Morgan is determined to protect them–and he’s not the only one. The Hunter is using Sanctuary Falls in a terrifying cat-and-mouse-game as he zeroes in on the one prey that ever got away: Holly. As Holly struggles to stay one step ahead of the Hunter, it’s up to her and Caine to work together to save herself and his pack…
But with the body count rising with every full moon, this killer won’t stop until Holly cries sanctuary….and runs.
Here's an excerpt for you!
Ollie watched the towering man looming in front of her partner, a scowl etched on his craggy face. His arms were braced over his chest. Aloof. From his military cropped hair to the taut muscles that made him look bigger, more imposing. Worried. Then again, the Sanctuary Falls alpha had a damn good reason to be worried. He was missing a wolf, and with less than a week until the full moon, there was a good chance that whoever the woman was, she was in a rundown shack in the middle of the woods somewhere waiting to die.
“You’re a lion. Not a Hound.”
Sawyer flinched at that, and Ollie shook her head. The woman needed to stop flinching. Being the first lion-shifter allowed through the Shifter Town Enforcement Academy, becoming the first non-canine Hound, was one hell of an achievement. And definitely nothing to be ashamed of.
“I’m both, sir. Sawyer Reyes.”
Sawyer shakily held out her badge and Ollie wanted to strangle her. Don’t cower, don’t shake. Confidence. The woman needed to learn to wear it like a cloak. No. Screw that. A second skin.
Caine Morgan curled back his lips in a snarl, the wolf not at all impressed, and Ollie headed over to intervene. It was Sawyer’s first month out of the academy. She’d learn, and if the woman was half what Lennox had talked her up to be, she’d make a damn fine Hound when she found her spine. It took strength and courage to survive a killer. It was, after all, why their boss had made them partners.
Ollie neatly stepped up behind the Sanctuary Falls alpha. “Mr. Morgan?”
He turned, dark brown eyes almost black as they narrowed on her. His goatee was neatly trimmed, but black stubble was beginning to win out, giving him a rugged appearance that went perfectly with that scowl. She could see why Sawyer had flinched. The man had a glare on him that could have melted steel. Or made any sane, sensible person cower.
Instead, Ollie stiffed her spine and met him head on, holding out her hand. “Holly Lawrence, Shifter Town Enforcement.”
He gave one long, slow blink and she knew the moment her name went from casual recognition to something more solid. The Holly Lawrence. The one who’d survived. She felt the familiar anger curl in her gut. It hadn’t been like that, but she didn’t correct him. If anything, it lessened the scowl on his face. Made the hard edge to him feel a lot less like a knife to the throat. He still didn’t seem friendly.
“When was your wolf last seen?”
“Last night. And you’re damn well aware it’s four days to the full moon.”
She was. She knew the phases of the moon better than anyone. She’d lived and breathed this case during the academy and after. Ollie had worked her ass off to get her brother to transfer her up from the Colorado Enforcement office to here, to work with Lennox, but more importantly to work in the state the Hunter liked to call home.
Caine stepped closer, menacing, but she didn’t back down. One snarling wolf wasn’t all that much different from the next. She met his gaze calmly. Something in him eased as her eyes met his, and the fight seemed to drain out of him a notch.
“Her name is Claire Rawson,” he said. “She’s twenty-one; she went out drinking last night with a bunch of buddies to celebrate her birthday. She went to the bathroom alone and never came back.”
He jerked his head towards the pair of women standing in the Shifter Town Enforcement lobby. “I brought them along in case you needed to speak with them personally.”
Caine held out a picture next. It was of a spunky-looking brunette with a low-cut blouse, overdone makeup, and a warm smile that said she laughed easily. Ollie had to fight the burn of tears at the back of her eyes. If she didn’t find the Hunter, this would be the face of the woman they found dead in five days.
My Thoughts:
This story had everything but the kitchen sink!
There were great characters which I Love. Holly was terrific. I could have never been that brave. Caine was an amazing Alpha. I thought it was awesome that he let Holly be in charge. The secondary characters were good too!
The plot was a compilation of grisly death scenes, sizzling romance, guilt, mystery, determination, a touch of humor, and so much more all wrapped up in an emotional bow. (Aka my kind of book!)
My only regret is that I didn't read the first book in the series before reading this one. Oh well, I'll just have to read them out of order!
I recommend this to all shifter fans or anyone wanting a good, even if a little gruesome, paranormal story to read.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I honestly liked it a lot and I can't wait to read book one in this series, Hounded.
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Aww, thank you for such an awesome review and for hosting me today! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you. It truly was my pleasure!
DeleteThis book sounds great! I have put it on my wishlist. I love paranormal stories and am always eager to find a new book/author.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way. I think my wishlist is never ending. lol! But I'm not complaining. I'm glad there are so many talented authors. I just wish I had more time!